Urban League
Company Profile
Doing business as:Urban League Of Tacoma
Site:tacomaurbanleague.org, sp.bestflowers.com, conversationtacoma.blogspot.com
Description:Sunday, December 9: View and Discuss the movie, Unnatural Causes. Please visit the Unnatural Causes website (http://www.unnaturalca uses.org/ "What connections exist between healthy bodies, healthy bank accounts, and skin color? Four individuals from different walks of life demonstrate how ones position in society shaped by social policies and public priorities affects health" (PBS 2009). The Conversation meets every Sunday from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm @ the Urban League of Tacoma (2550 South Yakima ...
Categories:Clinics & Medical Centers, Social & Human Services Organizations, Employment Training Services
Additional:Elementary School, High School
Urban League is located at the address 2550 Yakima Ave, Tacoma, WA 98405. Call the organization at phones: 1 253 383 2006 or 1 253 573 1504.