Seagull Printing Services, Inc
Company Profile
Industry:Lithographic Commercial Printing Commercial Printing
Registration:Jan 1, 1972
Members (8):Lee Bradshaw / Manager, MIS Manager Dorothy Haslem / Director of Finance, Finance Manager James Word / Chief Technology Officer Mr Thomas Richards / President Ms Dorothy Haslem Al Haslem / President, inactive Linda Richards / Chief Executive Officer, CEO, inactive Boyd Sparrow / Manager, Production Manager, inactive
Categories:Printers, Signs, Commercial Printing, Printers' Support Services
Products:Commercial Printing, Printers' Services, Publishing
The organization Seagull Printing Services, Inc works in Lithographic Commercial Printing Commercial Printing field. The organization Seagull Printing Services, Inc was registered in 1972. We have found information about 8 employees who work here. Seagull Printing Services is located at the address 6969 High Tech Dr, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84047. Call the organization at phones: 801-565-1393 or 801-565-1397.