R COLOR (trademark)
Las Vegas, NV
Company Profile
Registration:Jun 11, 2009
State ID:77757382
Reg. number:3847059
Status:700 - REGISTERED
Status date:Sep 14, 2010
Employee:Robert J Struck
Goods & Services:The color(s) yellow, cyan, black, magenta and white is/are claimed as a feature of the mark., "COLOR", The mark consists of four equal sized squares in different colors. The top left square is cyan, the top right square is magenta, the bottom left square is yellow and the bottom right square is black. A letter "R" in white color is in the center covering parts of the four colored squares, the cyan, the magenta, the yellow and the black squares. The word "Color" is placed on the bottom covering...
Owner:Rapid Color, Inc 6445 Karms Park Ct., Las Vegas, NV 89118