Company Profile
Industry:To Manufacture, Process, Sell, Cast And Otherwise Fabricate And Deal In Metals And Metal Products Of All Kinds And To Provide Freight Logistics Of Metals And Metal Products, Metals Service Center
Registration:Jan 30, 2003
State ID:000129695
Business type:Domestic Profit Corporation
Members (6):Michael J. Huber / President/treasurer, President 272 Ferris Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916 (Physical) Mary Beth Anderson / Secretary 272 Ferris Ave, Rumford, RI 02916 (Physical) Dennis Smith / Executive Vice President, Executive Vice-President 272 Ferris Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916 (Physical) Brian Budovsky / Executive Vice President, President, Vice-President 272 Ferris Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916 (Physical) Marybeth Anderson / Secretary, Secratary Jim Mcmahon / Business Development Manager
Agent:James O. Reavis, Esq 55 Dorrance Street, Providence, RI 02903 (Physical)
Categories:Scrap Iron & Metals
The professional fields of the organization Qml, Inc are To Manufacture, Process, Sell, Cast And Otherwise Fabricate And Deal In Metals And Metal Products Of All Kinds And To Provide Freight Logistics Of Metals And Metal Products, Metals Service Center. The organization Qml, Inc was founded in 2003. We've found information about 6 employees who work here. A registered office address of Qml is 272 Ferris Ave, Rumford, RI 02916. Call the organization at phone:+14014904555.
Who has worked at QML, Inc
Position at QML, Inc | Previous job position | |
Brian Budovsky | Executive Vice President/Partner Executive Vice President |
Westbury Metals GroupOperations Manager 1997 - 2001 |
Dennis Smith | OwnerSince Dec 2002 |
Metech InternationalNat'l Sales Mgr. Jan 1994 - Oct 2002 |