Parish Of Caddo County
Company Profile
Categories:County Government Offices, Government Offices, Local Government Offices, Police Departments
Description:The Parish of Caddo covers 852 square miles with its borders being, Texas to the West, Arkansas to the North, the Red River to the East and DeSoto Parish to the South with a small section at the South-eastern corner adjoining Red River Parish. According to the 2000 Census approximately 252,161 people reside in Caddo Parish. These result indicate a 1.6% growth increase in population over the past several years. The Parish contains eleven municipalities: Belcher, Blanchard, Gilliam, Greenwood,...
Products:City & County Government
A registered office address of Parish Of Caddo County is 501 Texas St, Shreveport, LA 71101. Call the organization at phones:+13182266780 or+13182266994.