Oxford Instruments Holdings, Inc
West Carteret, NJ
Company Profile
Industry:Mfg Porcelain Electrical Suppplies Whol Medical/Hospital Equipment
Addresses:600 Milik St, West Carteret, NJ 07008
PO Box 429, West Carteret, NJ 07008
Members (16):Peter Williams / Chairman Simon Burgess / Product Manager Paul Wright / Sales Manager Dietmar Budzylek / Cryogenic Sales Manager Anthony Sambucini / IT/Internet Support Michael Null Cuthbert / Export Sales Manager Liz Null Carey / Exchange And Learning Coordinator Alessandro Bonito-Oliva / Project Manager Bill Patterson / Finance Executive Andy Matthews / Managing Director, inactive Alan Cousens / Managing Director, inactive Jeff Hall / Vice President Cell Biology, inactive John Benson / Electron Microscopy Manager, inactive Charles Holroyd / Executive Director, inactive Chris Russell / Operation Director, inactive ...
SIC6:326499 - Porcelain electrical supplies, nec
The organization Oxford Instruments Holdings, Inc operates in Mfg Porcelain Electrical Suppplies Whol Medical/Hospital Equipment industry. We have found information about 16 employees who work here. A registered office address of Oxford Instruments Holdings is 600 Milik St, West Carteret, NJ 07008. The organization has more than two offices. Call the organization at phone: 17325411300.