OMNI Industries, LC
Greenwell Springs, LA
Company Profile
Industry:Mfg Chemical Preparations, Mfg Metalworking Machinery
Doing business as:Omni Industries, LLC
Omni Industries, Inc
Addresses:7031 Bryce Canyon Avenue, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739
7031 Bryce Canyon Dr, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739
Members (9):Judy Palombo Jude Palombo / Mbr , Vice-President Markham Q. Palombo / Mbr Curtis Young / Vice-President David Barber / Finance Cynthia Palombo / Mbr Stafford Palombo / Owner, Treasurer, Secretary, inactive Peggy Palombo / Treasurer, inactive Peggy Leblapalombo / Treasurer, inactive
Categories:Chemicals, Metal Forming Machinery
Additional:Metalworking Machinery NEC
The professional fields of the organization Omni Industries, Lc are Mfg Chemical Preparations, Mfg Metalworking Machinery. We know information about 9 employees who work here. Omni Industries is based in LA. The location of another office is: 7031 Bryce Cyn Dr, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739. Call the organization at phones: 225-261-6559 or 225-261-6580.