Mohawk Industries
Company Profile
Description:Mohawk Industries is a leading global flooring manufacturer that creates products to enhance residential and commercial spaces around the world. Mohawk’s vertically integrated manufacturing and distribution processes provide competitive advantages in the production of carpet, rugs, ceramic tile, laminate, wood, stone and vinyl flooring. Our industry-leading innovation has yielded products and technologies that differentiate our brands in the marketplace and satisfy all remodeling and new...
Specialties:Manufacturer Floor Covering
Company size:10,001+ employees
Who has worked at Mohawk Industries
Position at Mohawk Industries | Previous job position | |
Albert Auxilien | Manager |
Alice Lane | Sales |
Anthony Larkins | operator |
Anthony Schultz | DriverSince 2009 |
Liquid CO2 TransportDriver 2007 - 2009 |
Arvey Escobedo | Supervisor |
Askin Taskent | TMSince Jan 2008 |
Bill Springfield | ManagerSince Mar 2000 |
Bob Forester | Engineer |
Bobby Holloway | fixer |
Bryon Moore | Manager |
Butch Gaffney | Sales |
Byron Jones | SUPERVISORSince Mar 2002 |
Unilever Mar 2001 - May 2001 |
Carlos Noriega | supervisorSince Mar 2003 |
Carolyn Amos | supervisor |
Chuck Mahan | TM |
Craig Spiegelhalter | sales |
Dan Faulkner | Sales |
Dee Garcia | driver |
Dennis Nowak | P& D Driver Driver |
Mohawk IndustriesDriver |
Desmond Johnson | production |
Dorrell Hogan | Puller |
Drexel Nimmons | Manager |
Eric Parise | Senior Logistics Analyst Mohawk IndustriesSince Dec 1988 |
Everardo Ceniceros | SupervisorSince 2006 |
Former Employees
Position at Mohawk Industries | Next job position | |
Tanya Whittington | Maintenance PlannerOct 1997 - 2000 Woven Interlock Machine OperatorMay 1995 - Oct 1997 |