Health Street - Fairbanks Drug Testing, Breathalyzer & Background Screening
Company Profile
Categories:Drug & Alcohol Detection & Testing, Employment Background Checks, Paternity Testing
Description:In Fairbanks, Health Street gives drug tests, including, for example, hair follicle, DOT or non-DOT urine, 5, 10, or 12 panel, and breath alcohol, for companies and private use. In like manner, we conduct DNA tests to establish paternity or other relationships - the results can be used for changing a will, changing the name on a birth certificate, child support, or immigration. Last but not least, our talented staff is willing and able to offer prompt employment background screening - we...
Customers served:Industrial
Specialties:24 x 7 emergency mobile services. DOT certified drug and alcohol technicians.
Brands:DOT, FAA, FMSCA, Fra, FTA, Phmsa, USCG
Products:Breath Alcohol Testing, DNA paternity testing. Probation, Dot Drug Testing, Drug Testing, Employment Related, Hair Testing, PAROLE, Post-Accident, Random Testing, reasonable suspcion., Urine Drug Test. Hair Follicle drug test. Oral Fluid drug test. DNA paternity test. Employee Background Screening
Payment options:Debit Cards
Languages:English, Spanish
Certifications:DOT certified, Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA)
Emergency service:Yes
Health Street - Fairbanks Drug Testing, Breathalyzer & Background Screening is located at the address 1606 23 Ave, Fairbanks, AK 99701. Call the organization at phones: 18883782499 or 18889779409. Supported payment methods: Debit Cards.