Shadow Hills, CA
Company Profile
Registration:Sep 2, 2009
State ID:77818377
Reg. number:3780639
Status:700 - REGISTERED
Status date:Apr 27, 2010
Employee:Karanendra S Chhina
Goods & Services:In the statement, line 1, "Cutlery King, Inc." should be deleted, and Custom Cutlery, Inc should be inserted., The color(s) dark green and light green is/are claimed as a feature of the mark., "ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY DINNERWARE", The mark consists of the word "greentree" with "green" in dark green and "tree" in light green followed by two leaves, with the left leave being light green and the right dark green and containing a transparent opening, with the words "environment friendly dinnerware"...
Owner:Custom Cutlery, Inc 12243 Branford Street, Sun Valley, CA 91352