Industry:Medical Doctor's Office
Doing business as:Galichia Medical Group of Kansas, P.A.
Phone:(316) 684-3838, (316) 687-4587 (Fax)
Addresses:2600 N Woodlawn Blvd, Wichita, KS 67220
2600 N Woodlawn St, Wichita, KS 67220
Members (64):Todd A. Browb / Surgeon
E. David Kirk / Internal Medicine, Medical Doctor
Gregory Boxburger / Cardiovascular Angiography And Interventional Radi
A. J. Ahmed / Cardiovascular, Medical Doctor
Phillip D. Challans / Medical Doctor
Patrick H. Garrett / Medical Doctor
Sylvia Lilianne Orozco / Medical Doctor
Charles Henry Fletcher / Cardiology
Steve J. Harris / Ceo Galichia Heart Hospital, Ceo Of Galichia Heart Hospital, Chief Executive Officer
Philip Davolt / Network Manager
Richard S. Toon / Surgery-Thoracic
Martin Williams / Chief Financial Offr
Kishore Arcot / Principle
Lori Londagin / Accounts Payable
David Kirk / Internist
...Daniel Ahlstrom / Information Technology Manager
Gene Sailsbury / Director Management Information Systems Department
Kevin Patterson / Director Of Finance
Lillian Harstine / Endocrinologist
Hannah L. Lai / Internal Medicine, Medical Doctor
Karen Wenzelburger / Administrative Assistant
James Smith / Cardiovascular, Osteopathy
Nancy C. Kennedy / Chief Compliance & Privacy Officer, Chief Operating Officer
James W. Neel / Medical Doctor
Cathy L. Mccaleb / Physician Assistant
Sahar B. Hachem / Endocrinology, Medical Doctor
Nader S. Eldika / Critical Care Medicine
Michael N. Shaw / Physician Assistant
Steve Asbury / Physician Assistant
Michael W. Treweeke / Medical Doctor
Kristen Wolf-Ewy / Physician Assistant
Ben Hanna / Information Technology Manager
Joseph C. Meek / Medical Doctor
Chris Meyer / Chief Executive Officer
Christos E. Mandanis / Cardiovascular, Medical Doctor
Gregory R. Boxberger / Cardiovascular Angiography And Interventional Radi, Medical Doctor
Peter J. Macander / Medical Doctor, Cardiologist
Agha Jamil Ahmed / Medical Doctor
William M. Smitham / Executive Director
Kristen Ewy / Physician Assistant
Vicki L. Dwyer / Corporate Compliance Officer, Compliance And Privacy Officer
Dennis Buth / Internal Medicine, inactive
Patricia Patterson / Np, Nurse Practitioner, inactive
Daniel J. Hein / Medical Doctor, inactive
Val J. Brown / Emergency Medicine Specialist, inactive
Jason A. Hampl / Medical Doctor, inactive
Murat / Pa, Physician Assistant, inactive
Mark Bowles / Branch Manager, Cardiovascular, inactive
Kirk E. David / Other Other, inactive
James I. Fast / Manager, inactive
Pat Holt / Manager, Director Of Plant Engineering, inactive
Brian Debrot / Emergency Medicine Specialist, inactive
Earl D. Kirk / Internal Medicine, Medical Doctor, inactive
Dennis R. Cook / Family Practitioner, Medical Doctor, inactive
Joseph Galichia / Medical Director, Medical Doctor, inactive
Todd Brown / Surgeon, inactive
Jesus E. Val-Mejias / Cardiovascular, Medical Doctor, inactive
D. Ray Cook / Family Practitioner, Medical Doctor, inactive
Ranjini R. Madhavan / Internal Medicine, Medical Doctor, inactive
Jamil A. Ahmed / Cardiovascular, inactive
Rachel Prine / Director, inactive
John Mullen / Executive Director, Manager, inactive
Bill Wild / Chief Executive Officer, inactive
Debra Caze / Manager, inactive
SIC6:801100 - Medical doctor's office
Company size:205