FAMILY MATTERS (trademark)
Scottsdale, AZ
Company Profile
Registration:May 31, 2001
State ID:76264050
Reg. number:2600788
Status:800 - Registered and renewed
Status date:Jul 18, 2012
Illustration:Typeset: Word(s)/letter(s)/number(s)
Attorney:Kenneth M. Motolenich-Salas Gallagher & Kennedy, PA 2575 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ 85016
Employee:Allison E Hall
Goods & Services:"family", Pre-recorded audio cassette tapes, video cassette tapes, and cd-roms, all featuring spiritually based topics related to the four family cornerstones of grace, character, redemption, and eternal purpose, intended for the purposes of educating and equipping couples, parents, children, and grandparents to build families that last, Printed matter, namely, books, bookmarks, booklets, pamphlets, newsletters, and brochures, all featuring spiritually based topics related to the four family...
Owner:Family Matters, Inc 13402 N. Scottsdale Road Suite A120, Scottsdale, AZ 85254