EYEPHONES (trademark)
Fair Oaks, CA
Company Profile
Registration:Dec 3, 1981
State ID:73339790
Status:602 - Abandoned-failure to respond or late response
Status date:May 25, 1983
Illustration:Typeset: Word(s)/letter(s)/number(s)
Goods & Services:Oversize eyemask fabicated of cloth quilting and containing electronic speakers to reproduce music, voice and other sounds as desired by the user, themask blocks light to assist in concentration on the sounds reproduced by the speakers. used mostly by people using self-help tapes and music for relaxation and improvement
Owner:Stapleton, Arthur W 7236 Walnut Rd., Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Correspondent:Arthur W. Stapleton 7236 WALNUT RD Fair Oaks, Fair Oaks, CA 95628