DPHS Class Of 71 40TH Re-Union
Goleta, CA 93117
Company Profile
Description:Class of 71, 40th Re-union weekend, Sept 16th , 17th and 18th 2011. Sept. 16,th .Friday Endless Summer bar & Grill , meet & greet. $15.00 per person. Sept. 17th, Sat. Glenn Annie Golf Club. Dinner/Band/Live Entertainment. $65.00 per person. Sept 18th, Sun. Sunday Brunch, pay as you go, Glenn Annie/ Tour of DPHS High School: Please send reservation Checks to: DPHS Class of 71 Attn: Sandy Mullikin,5710 Hollister Ave. Box 196, Goleta, CA 93117 Prices will go up after June 15th 2011. So mail in...