Diamond Brokers
Tulsa, OK
Company Profile
Industry:Ret Jewelry, Jewelry Stores, Jewelry Designers
Doing business as:Deere Manfacturing, The Diamond Brokers
Deere Manufacturing Jewelry
Diamond Brokers, The
Registration:Aug 4, 2004
Description:Jewelry Stores
Addresses:3708 South Peoria, Tulsa, OK 74105
3708 S Peoria Ave, Tulsa, OK 74105
Members (4):Kathy Moon / Owner Kathleen Moon / Co-Owner Randy Deere / Owner Randall G. Deere / Owner, inactive
SIC:5944 - Jewelry Stores
SIC6:594408 - Jewelry Designers
Categories:Jewelers - Retail, Appraisal - Jewelry, Diamonds, Jewelry Designers, Jewelers
Open Hours:Mon-Sat
Products:Diamonds, Gold, Pearls, Platinum, Restringing
Certifications:GIA Certified Gemologists
Additional:Your Only Brookside Jeweler
Company size:4
The professional industries of the organization Diamond Brokers are Ret Jewelry, Jewelry Stores, Jewelry Designers. The organization Diamond Brokers was established on August 04, 2004. We have information about 4 employees who work here. A registered office address is 3708 S Peoria, Tulsa, OK 74105. The location of another office is: 3708 S Peoria Ave, Tulsa, OK 74105. Call the organization at phones:+1-918-748-8555 or+1-918-748-8443.