Delo Medical Associates
Fort Pierce, FL
Company Profile
Industry:Medical Doctor's Office, Family Doctor
Registration:Aug 1, 1986
Description:There are 2 doctors, 3 Physician Assistant's, 1 Nurse Practitioner, 1 Nutritionist, and 1 Physical Therapist at this site. Surgery is not performed at this site. Average patient volume is 75 patients per day.
Addresses:514 Se Port St Lucie Blvd, Fort Pierce, FL 34984
514 Se Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34984
Members (15):Linda F. Delo / Owner, Medical Director, Do Pa, Internal Medicine, Osteopathy, President Aimee Burdick / Front Office Supervisor Lisa Moore / Nurse Practitioner, Arpn Ruth E. Wermont / Physician Assistant, Cardiology Donna A. Zeide / Dermatology Bambi C. Petrinic / Medical Doctor Gretchen L. Gaebel / Physician Assistant Beth Molter / Physician Assistant Raiza Rodriguez / Physician Assistant Jay D. Haskett / General Medical Practice Sherri Bard / Manager, Office Manager, Practice Administrator, inactive Marlene Fuller / Secretary, Receptionist Secretary, inactive Diana Whitt / Receptionist Secretary, inactive Gretchen Gabel / Physician Assistant, inactive Chris Edgett / Manager, inactive
Categories:Physicians & Surgeons - Medical-M.D., Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons
Open Hours:Hours by Appointment
Specialties:Age Spot Removal, Family Practice, Manipulative Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Primary Care, Skin Conditions, Spider Vein Treatment, Spider Veins
In business since:1987
Brands:Botox, Rosacea
Products:Acne Treatment, Age Spots, Aviation Medical Exams for Class II & Iii, Avoid Multiple Specialists, Bone Density Testing, Botox, Botox Microdermabrasion, Facial Rejuvenation, SP, Botox Microdermabrasion, Facial Rejuvenation, Spider Vein Treatment, Acne Treatments., Cellulite Treatments, Chemical Peels, Classes, Complete Physicals, With Most, Complete Physicals, With Most Testing Done On Site, Complete Preventive Medical Exams, deep tissue, ...
Payment options:Most Insurance Accepted
Certifications:Board Certified, Certified, Licensed
Additional:Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Medicare & Medigap, Ppo
The professional fields of the organization Delo Medical Associates are Medical Doctor's Office, Family Doctor. The organization Delo Medical Associates was registered in 1986. We have found information about 15 employees who work here. A registered office address of Delo Medical Associates is 514 SE Prt St Lucie Blvd, Fort Pierce, FL 34984. The organization has more than two offices. Call the organization at phones: 17728715900 or 17728711197. Supported payment options: Most Insurance Accepted.