Industry:Data Processing and Preparations, Data Processing and Preparation
Phone:(303) 200-2000, (303) 796-2850, (303) 804-4000
Description:Data Processing And Preparation
Members (75):Peter Kalan / President, Chief Executive Officer, CTO
Shannon Milenkovich / Manager Product Support Center
Sean Brown / Financial Executive, Svp Product Management
Dwayne Ruffin / Svp Product Strategy
Bret C. Griess / Executive Vice-President, CTO
Scott Urbach / Information Technology Project
Wes Camden / Associate Vice President Center
Jama Smith / Information Technology Manager
Robert M. Scott / Information Technology Manager, CTO
Robert Rusho / Senior Information Technology
Jon A. Ishii / Senior Vice-President
Lisa Manfroi / Senior Information Technology
Jim Smith / Information Technology Manager
Brenda Carlisle / Information Technology Project
Jay Mccracken / Svp Strategic Business Units
...Edward Nafus / Director, CEO
Gloria Orn / CTO
Rae-Ellen Hamilton / Human Resources Benefits Director
Lily Ruppe / Executive
Joe Ruble / CTO
Renato Roche / Senior Manager
Michael J. Henderson / Executive Vice-President, President
Asgeir Olafsson / Director Information Technology
Janice I. Obuchowski / Director
Randy Wiese / Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice-President, CFO
Naras Eechambadi / Svp Customer Intelligence Solutions, Quaero, IT/Internet Support
Ken Kennedy / Cto And Svp Software Development, Senior Vice-President
Hank Bonde / Global Software Services Div, CTO
Tom Nichting / Executive, Senior Vice-President
Alan Michels / Executive Vice-President
Joseph T. Ruble / Administrative Secretary, Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Corpora, Executive Vice-President, General Counsel, Secretary
Mike Gill / Director Information Technology
Bernard W. Reznicek / Chairman, Director
Donald V. Smith / Director
James A. Unruh / Director
Mike Scott / President
Karen Eckmann / C-Level Marketing
Jerry Baker / Senior Vice President Business , Svp Business And New Market Development, Marketing Executive
Frank V. Sica / Director
Len Null Vogel / IT/Internet Support, inactive
Elizabeth A. Bauer / Vice-President, inactive
Danielle Petrich / Human Resources Director, inactive
Gloria Osborn / Senior Vice-President, inactive
Bret Justus / Chief Information Officer, inactive
Bobby Holland / Director Information Technology, inactive
Robert Lopp / Executive Director, inactive
William Fisher / Executive Vice-President, inactive
Kelli Macdonald / Facilities Manager, Manager, inactive
Kishore Viswanathan / Manager, inactive
Kathy Oda / Manager, inactive
Katie Kolbeck / Manager, inactive
Shawn Bluml / Manager Information Technology And Learn, inactive
Suzanne Broski / Senior Vice-President, inactive
Doug Zone / Chief Technology Officer, inactive
Rae Hamilton / Vice-President, inactive
Alan Denton / Director Of Planning And Corporate Development, inactive
Steve Samuels / Senior Vice-President, inactive
Tom Hagen / Vice-President, inactive
Chevy Vithiananthan / Vice-President, inactive
Pam Sellenrick / Svp And General Manager, Output Solutions, Manager, inactive
Elise Brassell / Public Relations Manager, inactive
Greg Schlenker / Software Testing En, inactive
Damon O. Barry / Corporate Counsel/Legal, inactive
Donald B. Reed / Chairman, Director, Non-executive Chairman, inactive
Ronald H. Cooper / Director, inactive
Edwin Lasman / Executive Vice-President, inactive
Geoff Prior / Vice-President, inactive
Charles Speidel / Vice-President, inactive
John Rainger / Vice-President, inactive
Lorenzo Phillips / Manager, inactive
Rob Kunzler / Vice-President, inactive
Ken Jenkinson / Chief Technology Officer, inactive
Tim Enboden / Director At& T Strategic Business Unit, inactive
Anne Collins / Executive Director, inactive
Lonnie Mahrt / Cio And Svp Operations, inactive
SIC:7372 - Prepackaged Software
SIC6:872103 - Billing Service
Company size:1