County of Yell
Danville, AR
Company Profile
Industry:Police Protection, Fire Protection Police Protection, Executive Office
Addresses:4Th &Amp; Main St, Danville, AR 72833
PO Box 99, Danville, AR 72833
1018 E 5Th St, Danville, AR 72833
101 E 5Th, Danville, AR 72833
PO Box 846, Danville, AR 72833
Members (7):Christy Padgent / Administration Brad Wear / Judge Carolyn Morris / Clerk Bill Gilkey / Manager, Sheriff, inactive Lance Wilkins / Manager, inactive Sandy Bottoms / Manager, inactive Darrell Coots / Manager, inactive
The professional industries of the organization County Of Yell are Police Protection, Fire Protection Police Protection, Executive Office. We have found information about 7 employees who work here. The organization is based in AR. The organization has more than two offices. Call the organization at phones: (479) 495-2811 or (479) 495-2940.