Company Profile
Industry:Home Security Systems, Appliance Repair, Architect, Custom Cabinets, Contractors, Woodworking, Carpet Installation, Ceiling Fans, Ceramic Tile, Closet Systems, Concrete Repair, Countertops, Decks, Doors, Concrete Driveway, ...
Description:5 employees. uses subs when needed. cost is determined by the job. no travel charges. extra charges for emergency service may apply. dba: corporate consulting & construction mgmt.
Member:Terry Debartolo
Open Hours:Mon 11:00 AM-9:00 PM; Fri-Sat 11:00 AM-10:00 PM; Sun 12:00 PM-9:00 PM; By Appt
Features:Emergency Service
Service area:All Northwest Suburbs, All Western Suburbs,Most of Dupage County, Suburban Cook County, Some of Kane County - Some of Lake County and most areas within 30 miles or 45 minutes from Elk Grove Village.
Excluded services:New construction.