C.B. Accounts, Inc
Peoria, IL
Company Profile
Industry:Collection Agency
Doing business as:Credit Bureau Accounts, Inc., C.B Accounts Incorporated, Convergent Healthcare Recoveries
Cb Accounts Inc
Registration:Jan 1, 1965
Addresses:124 Sw Adams St Ste 215, Peoria, IL 61602
PO Box 1289, Peoria, IL 61654
Members (15):Tammi Brown / Manager Rebecca Smith / V.P. Operations Jan Draher / President, Operations Staff, Vice-President, inactive Mary Belk / Collections Manager, Collection Manager, Peoria , Vice-President, inactive Mike Dynak / Director Information Technology, Director of Data Processing, MIS Director, inactive Ann Bowling / Director of Operations, inactive Matt Stauffer / Controller, inactive Michelle Agnew / Corporate/hr Training Manager, inactive Jeff Capello / Controller, inactive Allen Hensley / General Manager, inactive Andrea Broussard-Brock / Collection Manager, Peoria, inactive Joseph G. Mintjal / General Manager, inactive Sheldon Zucker / Chief Executive Officer, inactive Joyce Nelson / General Manager, inactive Chris Hanson / Payment Manager And Client Support Manager, inactive
Categories:Collection Agencies