Industry:Primary/Secondary Education, Elementary/Secondary School,,
Phone:(512) 414-1723, (512) 414-1755, (512) 414-1700, (512) 414-1708, (512) 414-4471, (512) 414-4481, (512) 414-1486 (Fax), (512) 414-4595
Description:Austin ISD is a diverse community of more than 12,000 employees, and we recognize that nothing is more essential to a great education system than innovative, talented, flexible educators.
Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced professional seeking a new career opportunity, AISD has a home for you at one of our 129 campuses.
We serve nearly 85,000 students, and integral to that service are our employees. From teachers and administrators to support and maintenance staff,...
Members (248):Brenda Berry / President
Chris De La Ronde / Department Of Program Evaluation
Bette Talkington / Teacher Vocation Health Science Tech
Cecilio Garza / Mason
Chris Evoy / Sergeant
Christie Hepburn / Teacher Elem Reading Coach
Curt Krill / Risk Manager
Cheryl Long / Lead Systemiddle School Analyst
Carye Edelman / Special Education Tech Analyst
Cindy Edwards / Special Ed Reading Specialist
Brenda Wright / Payroll Specialist V
Carol Bull / Registrar Support Specialist
Cinda Christian / Evaluation Analyst Ii
Charlot Dehoyos / School Business Dispatcher
Alton Randolph / Storekeeper Iii
...Brenda Hummel / Director-student Support
Adreayn Wilson / Coordinator-emp Relations
Sherrie Greene / Teacher Special Education Combination
Angelina Barrientos / Curriculum Data Specialist
Anthony Castaneda / Network Technician Ii
Alisha Bednarz / Teacher Elem Special Education Adapt P E
Sue Fowler / Teacher Special Education Mult Lev Vis Hdc
Susan Edwards / Help Desk Operator Iv
Sandie Coco / Technology Learning Specialist
Steve Barrington / Cad Technician
Stanley Bordelon / Teacher French
Alicia Diaz / Police Dispatcher
Annette Ruback / Accounting Tech Iii
Arturo Requenes / Asbestos Abatement Worker
Bob Saunders / Systemiddle School Support Assistant
Bill Douglass / Senior Unix Administrator
Annette Wood / Registrar Iv
Kate Amerson / Social Services Specialist
Kenneth Davis / Truck Driver Iv
Frankie Daniels / Special Ed Clerk Iii
Jim Reesby / Building Operator Foreman
Juan Resendez / Asbestos Abatement Supervisor
Kem Phillips / Publications Technician
Jerry Ybarra / Paint Foreman
Linda Lininger / Teacher Elem Special Education Music Ther
Linda Hoerling / Medicaid Manager
Lisa Munoz / Accountant Assistant
Leah Nicholson / Teacher Middle School Special Education Social Stud
Lorrie Martinez / Clerk V-central
Linda Burleson / Math Specialist
Karen Schmidt / Accounting Clerk Iv
Brenda Ahrns / Office Manager
Lisa Barrett / Accounts Payable Tech Iv
Linda Courtney / Project Facilitator
Liz Bogard / Senior Buyer
Kimberly Bird / Counselor-special Education A/l
Ginsberg Jackie / Principle, executive officer
Brian Power / Teacher Special Education Mult Lev Ment Reta
Brent Droll / Comptroller, Web Er Contact
Bill Hill / Coordinator-network Planning And Desi
Bradley Shaver / Assistant Director-maintenance
Ben Soliz / Field Technician Specialist I
Bryan Davis / Building Operator I
Bunnie Carroll / Student Data Tech
William De Dufour / Technology Project Manager
Alan Towler / Coordinator-state And Federal Program
Terry Haley / Training Manager
Kristen Hilsabeck / Coordinator-sub Services
Caron Hanes / Physical Therapist
Ed Richter / Assistant Director-purchasing
Dedra Standish / Project Specialist Iii
Dan Kohlert / Air Conditioning Mechanic Iii
Daniel Inglish / System Analyst
Cheryl Orth / Secretary To Superintendent
Christopher Molinar / Network Technician Iii
Corinne Roffe / Teacher Special Education Emotion Hdcp
David Andersen / System Integration Analyst
Carolyn Strauss / Testing Technician
Clark Perry / Senior Buyer Purchasing
Christopher Knight / Facil Maintenance Coordinator
Catherine Oconnell / Special Ed Clerk Iv
Carol Ramberg / Occupational Therapist
Dionisia Munoz / Adapt Eqpt Specialist
Chris Spano / Director-food Service
Diane August / Senior Research Scientist
Diana Ashmore / Teacher Health
Danny Grimm / Carpenter
Don Holland / Teacher Speech
Diane Sidoroff / Instructional Technology Facilitator
David Hundley / Alarm Technician Ii
Donna Fryar / Area Supervisor-food Service
David Dupont / Teacher Government
Charlotte Winkelmann / Assistant Director-student Support
Diana Cantu / Human Resources Tech I
Darrell Case / Plumber Iii
Diana Chafin / Admin Secretary I
Eric Brown / Tech Ed Teacher
Elizabeth Eisenbraun / Teacher Int Physics/chemistry
Arny Ohnesorge / Electronics Tech Iii
Dale Fowler / Admin Supervisor-high School
Arthur Mendez / Locksmith/hardware Operations
Angela Earls / Environmental Safety Foreman
Scott Lipton / Admin Supervisor For Curriculum Programs
Antonio Landaverde / Asbestos Abatement Crew Leader
Amye Laughlin / Inventory Tech V
Cass Cearley / Assistant Shop Foreman-transportat
Caroline Chase / Autism Specialist
David Tamayo / Safety Attendant Officer
Douglas Spinks / Teacher Elem Special Education Adapt Art
David Stovall / Senior Police Officer
Dennis Howell / Field Technician Specialist Ii
Dean Merritt / System Tech
David Rider / Lieutenant
Eduardo Romero / Grounds Keeper
Diana Larson / Supervisor-sch Business Operations
David Lussier / Special Assistant To The Superintendent
Dennis Mcfall / Community Ed Project Superviso
Dawn Nachreiner / Teacher Elem Special Education Hearing Impai
Debbie Estrada / Food Service Manager Iv
Diana Mendoza / Payroll Specialist Iii
Emiko Blacklock / Data Proc Assistant Ii-central
Farshad Shahsavary / Mechanical Engineer
Frank Hernandez / Human Resource Analyst
Frank Tomasek / Building Supervisor
Fennis Scott / Supervisor-housekeeping
Gina Creager / Secretary Iii-central
Frank Cantu / Human Resources Tech Iii
Kenneth Hallenberg / Data Architect
Katherine Peavey / Counselor-high School Special Education
David Waldo / Manager
Joe Pope / Pest Control Technician
James Lax / Data Manager
Jodi Lofton / Teacher Special Education Mult Lev Hdcp
Janna Lilly / Special Education Director
June Hayman / Nutritionist
Joseph Graef / Welder
Jim Glass / Construction Program Manager
Jim Fulbright / Teacher Special Education Scores
Jan Mcsorley / Technology Facilitator-specia
Jerry Hopkins / Pda Facilities Coordinator
James Mireles / Teacher Special Education Math
James Phares / Programmer/analyst Iii
James Hendon / Network Analyst I
John Perez / Housekeeping Services Specialist I
Janie Saldana / Business Driver
Jennifer Troy / Teacher Accounts Payable Lead Strategies
Jeanne Spencer / Child Find Contact
Jonathan Drummond / Internal Auditor Iv
Jerry Webb / Couns-high School Licensed Professionl
Judy Mochoa / Administrative Assistant-tecnolody Services
John Morgan / Teacher Special Education Resource Inclus
Jo Moss / Crisis Planning Coordinator
Jane Nethercut / Positive Behavior Coordinator
Judy Madden / Supervisor-h/r Records And Leav
Joseph Baird / Teacher Orchestra
John Arhelger / Telecommunications Analyst
Heather Merritt / Teacher Special Education Sev/professional Hndcp
Edmund Oropez / Assistant Superintendent
Mark Rogers / Director, Purchasing Manager
Pat Fuller / Director
Kris Hafezizadeh / Transportation Director, Assistant Director-pupil Transport
Paul Cruz / Assistant Superintendent
Michael Houser / Human Resources Director
Nancy Phillips / Accountability Director
Ariel Cloud / Assistant Superintendent
Pat Forgione / Superintendent
William D. Dufour / Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer
Mark Williams / President, School Board President
Nicole Conley-Abram / Finance, Purchasing Director
Theresa Wood / Information Technology Manager
Larry Throm / Chief Financial Officer
Nancy Duncan / Project Coordinator
Theresa Wilde / Finance Manager, Purchasing Director
Chris Carrillo-Spano / Food Service Director
Miriam Rosales / Clerk Iii-school
Gilbert Hicks / Assistant Superintendent
David L. Egli / Director
Hector A. Rodriguez / General Manager
Daniel English / Information Technology Manager
Dalle Truding / President
Sonia Conrad / Manager
Janice Crowder / Payroll Specialist Iv
Jeanne Doyle / Teacher Middle School Special Education Hear Impair
Howard Martin / Technology Grants Coordinator
Marcus Sharp / Network Analyst Iv
Lisa Myers / Staffing Specialist
Lisa Capdevielle / Leave Technician Iii
Larry Carlson / Telecommunications Tech Iii
Lori Tellez / Admin Secretary Iii
Leonard Villarreal / Assistant Advertising
Betty Alexander / Teacher Special Education English
Linda Barnett / Payroll Specialist Ii
Melissa Bishop / Textbook Tech
Mary Pennington / Benefits Tech I
Michael Mayo / Teacher Elem Special Education Combination
Melissa Sabatino / Public Information Coordinator
Myrna Roos / Instr Coordinator-sec Special Ed
Lydia Middendorf / Lead Printer Operator
Mark Evert / Information Technology
Michele King / Instructional Support Analyst
Michael Buescher / Network Technician I
Mitzi Boyles / Secretary To Board Of Trustees
Laura Orosco / Secretary Ii-central
Lori Robisheaux / Accounts Payable Tech V
Ken Shirota / Accounting Tech Ii
Ken Rehberger / Air Conditioning Maint Foreman
Kris Patterson / Teacher Special Education Mult Lev Sev/public Relations Hd
Kathy Laurel / Director-internal Audit
Krishelle Lorello / Accountant Ii
Rob Oharrow / Server Support Manager
Felix Carlin / Lead Fire Suppression Eqpt Tec
Elizabeth Hall / Director-employee Relations
Greta Waller / Network Security Manager
Joan Altobelli / Special Education K-12
Mark Billingsley / Test Coordinator, Director-system Wide Testing
Janet Wilde / Programmer/analyst Iv
Jon Donaldson / Coordinator-trans Plan And Sched
Jim Dillard / Air Conditioning Control Tech
John Breidenbach / Environmental Safety Specialis
Joseph Dean / Community Sch Pgm Specialist Iii
Gail Totten / Coordinator-speech/lang Services
Ira Rogers / Business Driver/coordinator
Gloria Sullivan / Staff Development
Geoff Rips / Development Manager
Gary Oden / Supervisor-programming
Gerald Hinton / Cafm Specialist
Ginger Jarosek / Teacher Dance
Hector Hinojosa / Architect V
George Grimsley / Building Operator Crew Leader
Glenn Nolley / Superintendent
Ignacio Reyes / Motor Vehicle Mechanical I
Howard Langford / Millworker I
J Constable / Shop Foreman-transportation
Karla Cruz / Teacher Choir
Lavonne Danielson / Training Specialist
Hilary Simon / Behavior Specialist
Leslie Cohen / Technology Customer Srv Suprv
Bergeron Harris / Superintendent, inactive
Norman Self / Finance, Purchasing Director, inactive
Kimberly Adams / Chief Technology Officer, VP Information Services, inactive
Holly Whittier / Manager, inactive
Daniel Girard / President, inactive
Meria Carstarphen / Superintendent, inactive
Louis Hill / Webmaster, inactive
Diane Keen / Chief Information Officer, inactive
Melody Parrish / General Manager, inactive
Tracy Lunoff / Health Care Director, inactive
Karen Sperry / Director Of Teacher Personnel, Assistant Superintendent, inactive
Tracy Diggs-Lunoff / Health Care Director, inactive
Nicole Conley-Abraham / Finance, Purchasing Director, inactive
Ann Smisko / Assistant Superintendent, inactive
Wanda Flower / Superintendent, inactive
Ramona Trevino / Assistant Superintendent, inactive
SIC:8211 - Elementary and Secondary Schools
SIC6:821103 - Schools
Categories:Educational Services, Government Offices
Specialties:education, student achievement, curriculum development, diversity
Additional:Elementary School, Public School
Company size:10,001+ employees