ART2BELIEVE (trademark)
Aurora, IL
Company Profile
Registration:Aug 20, 2007
State ID:77259093
Reg. number:3452609
Status:710 - Cancelled - section 8
Status date:Jan 30, 2015
Illustration:Drawing or design which also includes word(s)/ letter(s)/number(s)
Attorney:Rima D. Ports PORTS LAW GROUP, LTD 150 N Michigan Ave Fl 2700, Chicago, IL 60601
Employee:Evelyn W Bradley
Goods & Services:The color(s) green, brown and black is/are claimed as a feature of the mark., The color green appears in the words "art" and "believe," in the depiction of a human stick figure, and in the outline of the rectangle. the color brown appears in the depiction of a human stick figure. the color black appears in the number "2"., Custom fabrication of dolls, pillows, t-shirts, and stationary featuring children's artwork, Art two believe; art to believe
Owner:Studio Graf, Llc 2310 Courtland Court, Aurora, IL 60502