721458925643586494872314982714912384728543274239684231984321238478012832946485645845684723914 (trademark)
New York, NY
Company Profile
Registration:Oct 19, 2001
State ID:76328315
Reg. number:2652911
Status:710 - Cancelled - section 8
Status date:Jun 27, 2009
Illustration:Typeset: Word(s)/letter(s)/number(s)
Attorney:Carolyn Schurr Levin ZIFF DAVIS PUBLISHING HOLDINGS 28 E 28Th St Fl 14, New York, NY 10016
Employee:Brett Tolpin
Goods & Services:The mark consists of a line of adjoined, random and meaningless numbers that form a baseline., Printed publications, namely, magazines in the fields of information technology, Providing online magazines via a global computer information network and computer network in the field of information technology
Owner:Ziff Davis Publishing Holdings Inc 28 East 28Th Street 14Th Floor, Legal Department, New York, NY 10016