2 Tutors & 2 Life Coaches
Company Profile
Industry:Career Coaches, Errand Service, Life Coaching Services, Tutoring
Description:We analyze and find the cause of what is blocking the student. We don't waste time! We begin working immediately and effectively to engage the student on a path of success! * We Specialize in Reading and Special Needs, taking non-readers will Special Needs and turning them into confident readers in 1 year @ 2 1 hour sessions per week! * Writing- ELA CORE STANDARDS - How to: write an Essay, Answer a Prompt ( SAT's),...
Member:Frances Frances
Open Hours:Mon 09.00 AM - 10.00 PM, Tue 09.00 AM - 10.00 PM, Wed 09.00 AM - 10.00 PM, Thu 09.00 AM - 10.00 PM, Fri 09.00 AM - 10.00 PM, Sat 09.00 AM - 10.00 PM, Sun 12.00 PM - 10.00 PM, By Appointment
Service area:Tutoring via online/telephone - ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES WE TRAVEL*Dutchess & Putnam Counties. *Danbury CT Area. *New Milford and .Our Life Coaching Services: All of the United States
Free estimates:Yes
Senior discount:10%
Excluded services:We do not tutor: Trigonometry, Calculus or Foreign Languages - We will try to direct you to the appropriate professional as a courtesy. We do not offer Therapy. - We will try and direct you to the appropriate services We do not offer Massage Therapy