Professional profile
Rob Fischner Gibsonia, PA
Professions & Specialties
Bachelor of Agriculture
Experience & Education
United States Patent | Inventor | Appl. No. | Assignee |
#8439997 May 14, 2013 Filed: Aug 16, 2011 |
Mark N. Rupp (Delaware, OH) Dale A. Krausnick (Perrysburg, OH) Hui Hiu Kwan (Yuen Long, HK) Li Jin Long (Guan Dong Sheng, CN) Paul Goetz (Maple Grove, MN) Jeffery Scott Kunkler (Shenzhen, CN) Rob Fischner (Gibsonia, PA) Aurelio M. Arellano, Jr. (Cagayan Valley, PH) | 13/210840 |
NSS Enterprises, Inc. (Toledo, OH) |
International Classification: | B01D 46/02 | 55373, 55374, 55378, 55DIG 2, 55DIG 3, 15347 |
Vacuum sweeper apparatus including a filter bag and a method of installation
A filter bag and an apparatus for attaching a filter bag to a vacuum sweeper are provided. The filter bag includes a top plate and a bag portion. The top plate has a key formed thereon. The apparatus ...