N.P.F. FARMING CONSULTANTS, INC Address / Property records 292 Madison AveNew York, NY 10017 View details Residents records for 292 Madison Ave Resident NamePhoneInformation Madeline Adami(212) 768-5908 Stephen R Aiello Giselle A Alicea(212) 294-4802 Victor Alicea Gail P Anderson(212) 473-8039 Elizabeth Andresen Lisbeth Andresen Mayerson Anna Mameli Antoinetta Craig Avedislan(212) 685-2028 Edward Goldstein(212) 685-2028 Christopher Hall(212) 685-2028 Robert Piliero(212) 685-2028 Dorla Avilez(212) 798-9767Email:d...@yahoo.com Sabrina M Bacci Peter Bakstansky Peter Bartfeld(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Real Estate, International Law, Corporate Law Site:salonmarrow.com Louis Broudy(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Real Estate, Corporate Law, Business Law, Asset Based Finance, Structured Finance, Employee Contracts Site:salonmarrow.com Stephen Feinberg(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Securities Law, Trusts and Estates, Corporate Law Site:salonmarrow.com John Fulco(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Corporate Law, Internet Law, Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property, Employment Litigation, Real Estate Site:salonmarrow.com Petek Gunay(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Civil Litigation with Emphasis on Commercial and Corporate Disputes and Intellectual Property Law Site:salonmarrow.com Stuart Newman(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Business Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Securities Site:salonmarrow.com Richard Romeo(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Commercial Litigation, Employment Law, Arbitration Site:salonmarrow.com Joel Salon(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Business Law Site:salonmarrow.com Timothy L Bellavita Jeanne Bertuna Steven Birbach Stuart Blander(212) 685-7600 Nahum L Gordon(212) 685-7600 Sigmund Wissner-Gross(212) 685-7600 Mark N Blo(212) 689-1131 Mark N Bloom(212) 689-1131 Philip S Greenhaus(212) 689-1131 Arthur A Mannarino(212) 689-1131 Harvey Wol(212) 689-1131 Harvey Woll(212) 689-1131 Howard W Yag(212) 689-1131 Howard W Yagerman(212) 689-1131 Jay A Bon(646) 424-0770 Jay A Bondell(646) 424-0770 Michael A Cor(646) 424-0770 Michael A Cornman(646) 424-0770 Meyer A Gross(646) 424-0770 Fritz L Sch(646) 424-0770 Fritz L Schweitzer(646) 424-0770 Allison BowhersType:Medical MA (Medicare Advantage) Jennifer Marie Boyle Jr Brown Michael Capilouto Cristiano Carrara Stanley Cembalest Carol Ciancarelli Nancie H Cooper Stephen F Cooper Carrara Cristiano Carmela Damante Jay Debow A Dibiase John R Doman(212) 624-6127 David R Drobis Allen Eisenberg Marissa Gernett(212) 418-0327Type:Medical LMSW Sherri GertzmanEmail:s...@aol.com Eve Gittelson Martin I Gold(212) 447-4700 Jacob Goldman(212) 685-9460 David L Tecklin(212) 685-9460 Maya Goldstein(212) 418-0330(212) 980-0073 (Fax)Type:Medical LCSW Michael S Gru(212) 575-9400 Enrique Guerrero Stacy Hasseu Jack Itzkowitz Christina B Ives(914) 834-9595 Roy L Jac(212) 695-2476 Stefanie Jenkins(212) 418-0340Type:Medical LMSW Herb S Karlitz Wallace A Kunukau Jason M Laduca Amanda A Larson Joanne G Larson Arthur M Lieberman(212) 947-1708 Dan LipmanEmail:l...@hotmail.com Tamar Lurie Antoinetta Mameli Carolyn Mangiarotti Edward Mangiarotti Richard A Mannarino Jeremiah Francis Manning Ronald J Margolis(212) 758-2345 Gianfranco Mauti Stutman Mayerson(212) 685-7474 Sidney Mintz(212) 683-4799 James J Morrissey(212) 779-3500 Brian F Mullaney Eric Murphy Cynthia Nieves#16(212) 855-3627 Sonya Okun Donald E Ola(212) 252-9040 Donald E Olander(212) 252-9040 Lou Oliver(212) 221-5600Email:l...@a-taylor.com Kristen A Ordonez May Orenstein Costa Paola Janet S Pappas(212) 461-2934 Rebecca C Pergrim Giuseppe Pietrantonio Theresa D Rodriguez Lucille Rota Charles Rubin(212) 953-2381 Tanya RullanEmail:m...@migente.com Jeremie Saada(212) 532-6855 Steven SalleyEmail:s...@nyc.cohnwolfe.com Eva S Siemssen Alex Sorokin Annette Steckler Alan J Stein Martin Streit(646) 227-1495 David Sulimanov Melinda Torres Lawrence Toscano Giovanni Tosi James A Townsend Shigekazu Uejima(212) 679-1752 Peter Vermont(212) 447-7308 Liviu Vogel(203) 227-0023(646) 843-1910 (Fax)Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Corporate Law, Commercial Litigation, Civil Litigation, Commercial Collections, Construction Contracts, Real Estate, Real Estate Title Insurance Site:salonmarrow.com Sharon Vogelman Kirsten A Wadas Richard S Wadas Donald Watnick(212) 213-6886 Diane Wedderburn Timothy Willert(212) 686-7533 Jerome Zauderer Joan B Zauderer Mark C Zauderer Cary B Ziter View more...
292 Madison AveNew York, NY 10017 View details Residents records for 292 Madison Ave Resident NamePhoneInformation Madeline Adami(212) 768-5908 Stephen R Aiello Giselle A Alicea(212) 294-4802 Victor Alicea Gail P Anderson(212) 473-8039 Elizabeth Andresen Lisbeth Andresen Mayerson Anna Mameli Antoinetta Craig Avedislan(212) 685-2028 Edward Goldstein(212) 685-2028 Christopher Hall(212) 685-2028 Robert Piliero(212) 685-2028 Dorla Avilez(212) 798-9767Email:d...@yahoo.com Sabrina M Bacci Peter Bakstansky Peter Bartfeld(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Real Estate, International Law, Corporate Law Site:salonmarrow.com Louis Broudy(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Real Estate, Corporate Law, Business Law, Asset Based Finance, Structured Finance, Employee Contracts Site:salonmarrow.com Stephen Feinberg(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Securities Law, Trusts and Estates, Corporate Law Site:salonmarrow.com John Fulco(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Corporate Law, Internet Law, Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property, Employment Litigation, Real Estate Site:salonmarrow.com Petek Gunay(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Civil Litigation with Emphasis on Commercial and Corporate Disputes and Intellectual Property Law Site:salonmarrow.com Stuart Newman(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Business Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Securities Site:salonmarrow.com Richard Romeo(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Commercial Litigation, Employment Law, Arbitration Site:salonmarrow.com Joel Salon(212) 661-7100Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Business Law Site:salonmarrow.com Timothy L Bellavita Jeanne Bertuna Steven Birbach Stuart Blander(212) 685-7600 Nahum L Gordon(212) 685-7600 Sigmund Wissner-Gross(212) 685-7600 Mark N Blo(212) 689-1131 Mark N Bloom(212) 689-1131 Philip S Greenhaus(212) 689-1131 Arthur A Mannarino(212) 689-1131 Harvey Wol(212) 689-1131 Harvey Woll(212) 689-1131 Howard W Yag(212) 689-1131 Howard W Yagerman(212) 689-1131 Jay A Bon(646) 424-0770 Jay A Bondell(646) 424-0770 Michael A Cor(646) 424-0770 Michael A Cornman(646) 424-0770 Meyer A Gross(646) 424-0770 Fritz L Sch(646) 424-0770 Fritz L Schweitzer(646) 424-0770 Allison BowhersType:Medical MA (Medicare Advantage) Jennifer Marie Boyle Jr Brown Michael Capilouto Cristiano Carrara Stanley Cembalest Carol Ciancarelli Nancie H Cooper Stephen F Cooper Carrara Cristiano Carmela Damante Jay Debow A Dibiase John R Doman(212) 624-6127 David R Drobis Allen Eisenberg Marissa Gernett(212) 418-0327Type:Medical LMSW Sherri GertzmanEmail:s...@aol.com Eve Gittelson Martin I Gold(212) 447-4700 Jacob Goldman(212) 685-9460 David L Tecklin(212) 685-9460 Maya Goldstein(212) 418-0330(212) 980-0073 (Fax)Type:Medical LCSW Michael S Gru(212) 575-9400 Enrique Guerrero Stacy Hasseu Jack Itzkowitz Christina B Ives(914) 834-9595 Roy L Jac(212) 695-2476 Stefanie Jenkins(212) 418-0340Type:Medical LMSW Herb S Karlitz Wallace A Kunukau Jason M Laduca Amanda A Larson Joanne G Larson Arthur M Lieberman(212) 947-1708 Dan LipmanEmail:l...@hotmail.com Tamar Lurie Antoinetta Mameli Carolyn Mangiarotti Edward Mangiarotti Richard A Mannarino Jeremiah Francis Manning Ronald J Margolis(212) 758-2345 Gianfranco Mauti Stutman Mayerson(212) 685-7474 Sidney Mintz(212) 683-4799 James J Morrissey(212) 779-3500 Brian F Mullaney Eric Murphy Cynthia Nieves#16(212) 855-3627 Sonya Okun Donald E Ola(212) 252-9040 Donald E Olander(212) 252-9040 Lou Oliver(212) 221-5600Email:l...@a-taylor.com Kristen A Ordonez May Orenstein Costa Paola Janet S Pappas(212) 461-2934 Rebecca C Pergrim Giuseppe Pietrantonio Theresa D Rodriguez Lucille Rota Charles Rubin(212) 953-2381 Tanya RullanEmail:m...@migente.com Jeremie Saada(212) 532-6855 Steven SalleyEmail:s...@nyc.cohnwolfe.com Eva S Siemssen Alex Sorokin Annette Steckler Alan J Stein Martin Streit(646) 227-1495 David Sulimanov Melinda Torres Lawrence Toscano Giovanni Tosi James A Townsend Shigekazu Uejima(212) 679-1752 Peter Vermont(212) 447-7308 Liviu Vogel(203) 227-0023(646) 843-1910 (Fax)Organization:Salon Marrow Dyckman Newman & Broudy LLP Specialties:Corporate Law, Commercial Litigation, Civil Litigation, Commercial Collections, Construction Contracts, Real Estate, Real Estate Title Insurance Site:salonmarrow.com Sharon Vogelman Kirsten A Wadas Richard S Wadas Donald Watnick(212) 213-6886 Diane Wedderburn Timothy Willert(212) 686-7533 Jerome Zauderer Joan B Zauderer Mark C Zauderer Cary B Ziter View more...