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Business Directory. NeuroGen Brain & Spine Institute ...

Industry:Hospital & Health Care

Description:Centre for Stem Cell Therapy and NeuroRehabilitation.
NeuroGen BSI has been set up to help patients suffering from disorders caused due to damage to the nervous system with resultant...

Specialties:Autism, Muscular dystrophy, Spinal cord injury, Cerebral palsy, Stroke, ...


Company size:11-50 employees

Industry:Media Production

Description:Neurogen Films est une société de production audiovisuelle à Genève, spécialisée dans la conception, la réalisation et la production de vidéos institutionnelles, films publicitaires, courts métrages,...

Specialties:Production audiovisuelle, Film institutionnel, Film publicitaire, Production de courts métrages, Video e-learning


Company size:1-10 employees

Industry:Health, Wellness And Fitness

Description:We design and make games that are therapeutic, scientifically proven, engaging and fun.
We don´t believe brain disorders can ever be cured solely by drugs, however medication can significantly...

Specialties:Neurogaming, Game development, Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Neurology, ...


Company size:1-10 employees


Company size:51-200 employees

Industry:Online Media is one of the first independent websites dedicated to brain-computer interfaces (BCI), thought-controlled applications, mind-controlled games, bionic implants and related topics. The...

Company size:1-10 employees

Industry:Marketing And Advertising

Description:Neurogami is a consumer-passionate agency that infuses insights from neuroscience to produce fresh retail strategy, marketing, and creative.
Neurogami is the world's first neuromarketing...

Specialties:Neuromarketing, Strategy, Creative & storytelling, Brand engagement, Consumer journey, ...


Company size:1-10 employees

Industry:Computer Software

Description:NeuroFTW provides research-led software development services with a focus on Data Science, Machine Learning, Computational Neuroscience and High Performance Computing.
NeuroFTW is able to offer...

Specialties:Software development, Machine learning, Scientific research, Data science

Company size:1-10 employees

Industry:Information Technology And Services

Description:NeuroFuzz, LLC provides Application Security services and secure custom software design, architecture, amd engineering services. Our main areas of operation are information security research (binary...

Specialties:Web application security, Application penetration testing, Software security research, Secure application architecture


Company size:1-10 employees

Industry:Events Services

Description:NeuroGeeks is about uniting people who have a passion for understanding the brain. The amount of people developing a strong interest in neuroscience is growing, and NeuroGeeks aims to bring...

Specialties:Neuroscience, Education, Event hosting


Company size:Myself Only


Industry:Commercial Physical Research Pharmaceutical Preparations

Phone:(203) 488-8201

Members (45):Julian C. Baker / Chairman, Director, inactive Ping Ge / Medical Doctor, inactive Stewart J. Hen / Director, inactive Nathan Block / Vice-President, inactive Rich Lew / Medical Doctor, inactive ...


Description:Né de la volonté de promouvoir le Neurofunk en 2010, NeurofunkGrid est maintenant la première source d’information du genre sur Youtube grâce à de forts partenariats créés avec les artistes et...


Company size:Myself Only