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Business Directory. KiddieNotes ...

Industry:Information Technology And Services

Description:KiddieNotes provides classrooms with on-line record keeping for daily reports, providing centers with a tool that will significantly cut paper, filing, & storage costs. It simplifies teachers’...


Company size:1-10 employees


Description:Kiddiegift is dé online specialist in exclusieve en professionele kraamcadeaus, die in opdracht van particulieren en bedrijven door heel Nederland kersverse ouders trakteert op de leukste en meest...

Company size:Myself Only

88 Matthew St, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada


Description:We bring Smiles to your special event!!
We have Amusement Rides both Mechanical and Inflatable. Games too such as 9 hole Portable Miniputt, dunk tanks bean bag tosses, high striker, kiddie...

Specialties:Company Parties, School Fun Fairs, Fundraisers, Birthday Parties, Reunions


Company size:11-50 employees

107 Brook Hill Close, London, United Kingdom

Industry:Primary/secondary Education

Description:Kiddies Arena Nursery Limited is a Primary/Secondary company located in 107 Brook Hill Close, London, United Kingdom.

Industry:Online Media

Industry:Primary/secondary Education

Description:Upscale child care facility that combines a private pre-school, daycare and gigantic indoor play space all in one building. The KiddieKlub is the first of it's kind of facility,and is located in...

Specialties:Pre-school, Education, Child care, Entertainment


Company size:11-50 employees

Industry:Education Management

Description:En Kiddies creemos que los idiomas se aprenden utilizándolos. Es por esto que toda nuestra metodología está enfocada a que los niños adquieran la lengua mediante el desarrollo de actividades.


Company size:1-10 employees

8 Rope Walk, Garstang, United Kingdom

Industry:Government Administration

Description:KIDDIES DAY NURSERY LTD is a Government Administration company located in 8 Rope Walk, Garstang, United Kingdom.

Industry:Financial Services

Description:At Kiddies Corner Nursery in Darlington we provide a happy, relaxed and safe environment where play, fun and enjoyment go hand-in-hand with learning and discovery for the children in our care.




Registration:Dec 1, 1960

State ID:72109410

Reg. number:0731594

Status:900 - expired

Status date:Jul 24, 1987

Illustration:Drawing with word(s)/letter(s)/number(s) in Stylized form

Goods & Services:Safety leash for children

Owner:Grahling, Inc



Registration:Mar 25, 1964

State ID:72189625

Reg. number:0802706

Status:900 - expired

Status date:Apr 25, 1986

Illustration:Typeset: Word(s)/letter(s)/number(s)

Goods & Services:Juvenile furniture for protectively restraining children-namely, safety gates, pens and infant seats

Owner:S And E Manufacturing Company