Industry:Information Technology And Services
Description:ISenseLabs is a leading digital service provider of top-notch award winning OpenCart solutions, serving more than 5000 customers around the world. With more than 40 Premier E-commerce solutions our...
Specialties:development tools, e-commerce solutions, web content management solutions, cloud API solutions, opencart commerce, ...
Company size:11-50 employees
Industry:Wine And Spirits
Description:ISENSUA is an entrepreneurial company
with the aim of developing innovative products for the pleasure of all
After many years working in drinks speciality, we set off to pursue
Specialties:Crystal Gins and Vodkas, Tarka Gins and Vodkas, Tarka Liqueurs
Company size:1-10 employees
Strawberry Hills, Sydney, Nsw, Australia
Industry:Information Services
Description:Isentia is the Asia-Pacific region’s leading media intelligence company, providing over 5,000 clients with information, analysis 24/7/365. Isentia has more than 1,100 employees across 15 countries...
Specialties:Media Monitoring, media insight, media intelligence, social media monitoring
Company size:1001-5000 employees
iSense Solutions
Str. Cernauti Nr. 13, Bucharest, Romania
Industry:Consumer Services
Description:We are iSense.Solutions – The Modern Consumer Company,
with a fresh view and innovative solutions.
We offer integrated consultancy and implementation services
with a clear purpose in mi...
Specialties:Integrated Business Solutions, Marketing & Strategy, Research, Online Communication, Sales, ...
Company size:1-10 employees
Gydevang 39, Allerød, Denmark
Industry:Information Technology And Services
Description:Isensus provides custom database development services for medium to large companies.
We provide desktop, mobile and web applications using Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Sharepoint and Alpha...
Specialties:SQL Server, Access, Sharepoint, Alpha Five Web Applications
Company size:Myself Only
iSense-SK LLC
Riazansky Prospect 8A, Bld. 1, Office 600, Moscow
Industry:Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
Description:"iSense-SK" LLC is founded in 2012 and in the same year became a resident of Skolkovo foundation with a project "Innovative bias-free, on-wheel inertial vehicular system integrated with GNSS for...
Specialties:navigation, innovative navigation algorithms, integrated navigation systems
Company size:1-10 employees
Description:Isensee International is an independent accounting firm founded in Germany with offices in Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, London and New York. Isensee International provides tax solutions and business...
Specialties:Accounting Services, Tax Advisory Services
Company size:11-50 employees