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Business Directory. IPER CONSULTING S.A.C. ...

Industry:Management Consulting

Description:IPER Consulting S.A.C. surge para convertirse en un aliado estratégico para las empresas, contribuyendo a lograr que la seguridad, salud en el trabajo, la gestión ambiental y de calidad, sea un valor...

Specialties:Gestión de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, Gestión Ambiental y Calidad, Capacitaciones relacionadas., Gestión de la Información


Company size:1-10 employees

Industry:Management Consulting

Description:Los Sistemas de Gestión de la SEGURIDAD Y LA SALUD EN EL TRABAJO (SG-SST) proporcionan un método sistemático para reconocer y evaluar los peligros y riesgos en el lugar de trabajo y mejorar los...

Specialties:Seguridad Ocupacional, Salud Ocupacional, Tercerización de Servicios, Capacitación


Company size:1-10 employees

Industry:Architecture & Planning

Description:EL Instituto de Permacultura Paraguayo, esta implantado en la granja ecologica “Jardín del Edén “, comenzamos hace unos meses, nuestro proyecto, un lugar que pueda ser referente y apoyo para personas...

Specialties:Permacultura / Eco-construcciones

Company size:Myself Only

Industry:Marketing And Advertising

Description:Our goal at Ipera is to help businesses deliver better commercial results from insight based innovation, drawing on our experience at all stages of the innovation cycle working client side in a...

Specialties:Innovation Strategy, Innovation Capability, Innovation development and implementation


Company size:1-10 employees


Description:Iper, La grande i è un'azienda della grande distribuzione organizzata fondata nel 1974 da Marco Brunelli, con l'apertura del primo punto vendita (ipermercato) in Italia a Montebello della Battaglia...

Specialties:Grande Distribuzione Organizzata


Company size:5001-10,000 employees


Description:IPER Media provide web development and in-bound marketing services within the UK.
We help businesses engage online audiences, increase brand awareness and achieve sales objectives using...


Company size:1-10 employees


Description:Ipera is a Telecommunications and Hosting company. We have our own fibre optic network and data center in Newcastle and provide metro and wide area networks, co-location, web hosting, virtual server...

Company size:1-10 employees

Industry:Marketing And Advertising

Description:We deliver updates on addresses on both consumers and businesses from our databases “Iper Consumer” and “Iper Business”.
Our customers can also rent lists from our databases for marketing or...


Company size:1-10 employees


Description:IPER Telecom is an IP operator based in Martinique, FWI. We offer discounted rates to the SME & Corporations, for the calls from the company fixed lines to the whole world.
IPER Telecom gathers...


Company size:Myself Only

Industry:Hospital & Health Care

Description:IPeP houdt zich bezig met het behandelen, adviseren en coachen van mensen op psychologisch, pedagogisch en geestelijk vlak. Wij zijn er voor mensen die ergens tegenaan lopen in hun dagelijks leven,...

Specialties:Psychologische behandeling, Opvoedondersteuning, Geestelijke verzorging, Studiecoaching, Life coaching, ...


Company size:1-10 employees

Industry:Education Management

Description:Dedicado ao ensino nos termos do Artigo 209 e princípios estabelecidos no Artigo 206, incisos “II” e “III” da Constituição Federal, o IPEP mantém faculdades em São Paulo e em Campinas, denominadas...

Company size:51-200 employees

Industry:Media Production

Description:I.P.E.P. s.a. vous assure un service de qualité grâce au travail de ses spécialistes : scripte, réalisateur, cadreur, monteur, ingénieur du son… De l’écriture du projet à la livraison de la commande,...

Specialties:Production TV, Films d'entreprises et institutionnels, Captations événementielles, Web vidéo


Company size:1-10 employees


Description:Indiana Public Employers' Plan, Inc. (IPEP) is an Indiana not-for-profit corporation organized in December 1989. Its purpose is to operate a group self-funded program for the purpose of satisfying...

Company size:11-50 employees