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Business Directory of South Dakota. Sodak Distributing Co ...

1710 N M Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Industry:Wholesale, Ret Alcoholic Beverages Whol Wine/Distilled Bev Mfg Wines/Brandy/Spirits Mfg Malt Beverages

Phone:(605) 336-3320, (605) 336-3322 (Fax)

Description:Sodak Distributing Co is a Wholesale company located in 1710 N M Ave, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States.

Members (3):Michael H. Brzica / Principal Mike Brzica / President Dave Chapman / Vice-President, inactive

SIC:5182 - Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverages

Company size:47

18266 Sd Highway 15, Clear Lake, SD 57226

Industry:Ornamental Nursery Ret Florist Ret Nursery/Garden Supplies, Greenhouses

Phone:(605) 874-2422

Member:Tim Begalka / Owner

Categories:Florists, Garden Centers, Greenhouses, Landscape Nurserymen

Open Hours:7 Days A Week Daily Everyday

Products:Greenhouses, Nursery Stock, Ornamentals

29300 Karrie Pl, Pierre, SD 57501

Industry:Car Sales

Phone:(605) 224-9082

Fort Myers, FL  ·  Langford, SD  ·  Naples, FL

Registration:Aug 19, 2013

Addresses:5641 Zip Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33905 (Physical)
41762 123Rd St, Langford, SD 57454
70 Emerald Woods Dr, Naples, FL 34108

State ID:L13000118394

Business type:Florida Limited Liability Company

Members (2):Robert O Williams / Managing Member 41762 123Rd St., Langford, SD 57454 (Physical) Terry Larson / Manager 15621 Spring Line Lane, Fort Myers, FL 33905 (Physical)

Agent:Larson, Terry 15621 Spring Line Lane, Fort Myers, FL 33905 (Physical)


509 E 15Th St, Dell Rapids, SD 57022


Member:Daniel Klein / Principal

310 N Main St, Salem, SD 57058


47358 Sd Highway 324, Brookings, SD 57006

Industry:Business Services at Non-Commercial Site

46919 Cody St, Tea, SD 57064

Industry:Transportation Services

Member:Jerame Waldner / Principal

Registration:Feb 10, 1992

State ID:2300509315

Business type:Foreign For Profit Business Corporation

Agent:The Corporation Company 735 1St National Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Rapid City, SD


Industry:To Purchase, Rent And Otherwise Acquire, Hold, Deal In,prepare For Market, Sell, Exchange, Lease.

Inactive reason:Withdrawal

Registration:Jan 9, 2003

Inactive since:Jun 17, 2004

Addresses:5301 S. Highway 16, Rapid City, SD 57701 (Physical)
PO Box 3297, Rapid City, SD 57709 (Physical)

State ID:F03000000129

Business type:Foreign Profit Corporation


Members (5):Michael G Wordeman 5301 South Highway 16, Rapid City, SD 57701 (Physical) Michael G. Diedrich  Vice / President 5301 S. Highway 16, Rapid City, SD 57701 (Mailing)
4884 Cliff Drive, Rapid City, SD 57702 (Physical)
G. Thomas Baker / Director, inactive 9295 Prototype Drive, Reno, NV 89521 (Physical) Roland W Gentner / President, inactive 5301 S. Highway 16, Rapid City, SD 57701 (Physical)
5980 Wildwood Drive, Rapid City, SD 57702 (Physical)
Michael G Diedrich / Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, inactive 5301 S. Highway 16, Rapid City, SD 57701 (Physical)


5301 S. Hwy. 16, Rapid City, SD 57701


Registration:Apr 20, 1992

State ID:34405343F

Business type:Business Corporation (Non-Louisiana)

Members (3):Knute Knudson / Vice-President 5301 S. Hwy. 16, Rapid City, SD 57701 (Physical) Michael G. Diedrich / Secretary/Treasurer, Vice-President 5301 S. Hwy. 16, Rapid City, SD 57701 (Physical) Roland W. Gentner / President 5301 S. Hwy. 16, Rapid City, SD 57701 (Physical)

Agent:C T Corporation System 5615 Corporate Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (Physical)


Registration:Jul 3, 1995

State ID:19951085311

Business type:Foreign Corporation


Agent:The Corporation Company 1675 Broadway Ste 1200, Denver, CO 80202 (Physical)


Registration:Feb 7, 1992

State ID:19921012377

Business type:Foreign Corporation


Agent:The Corporation Company 1675 Broadway Ste 1200, Denver, CO 80202 (Physical)

405 E Omaha St, Rapid City, SD 57701


Industry:Whol Durable Goods

Members (2):Don Gromer / Vice-President, inactive Michael Wordeman / Principal, inactive


Pelican, SD


Registration:Apr 27, 1987

State ID:73657733

Reg. number:1496362

Status:710 - Cancelled - section 8

Status date:Apr 25, 2009

Illustration:Typeset: Word(s)/letter(s)/number(s)

Attorney:Richard A. Westley WESTLEY LAW OFFICES, S.C 7 North Pinckney Street Suite 300, Madison, WI 53703

Employee:Frederick M Mandir

Goods & Services:"sodak garden", Garden fertilizer in various sizes and weights, Kodak garden maker

Owner:Ag-Fertilizer, Inc 900 9Th Avenue, Sw, Watertown, SD 57201



Brookings, SD


Registration:Apr 3, 2000

State ID:76016378

Status:602 - Abandoned-failure to respond or late response

Status date:Apr 3, 2002

Illustration:Typeset: Word(s)/letter(s)/number(s)

Attorney:Dan Pollmann 1803 Orchard Drive, Brookings, SD 57006

Employee:Danielle I Mattessich

Goods & Services:"genetics", Agricultural seeds

Owner:South Dakota Crop Improvement Association C/O Plant Science Dept. Box 2207A 1Sdstate University, Brookings, SD 57007


Pelican, SD


Registration:Apr 13, 1987

State ID:73654903

Reg. number:1502728

Status:710 - Cancelled - section 8

Status date:May 16, 2009

Illustration:Typeset: Word(s)/letter(s)/number(s)

Attorney:Richard A. Westley WESTLEY LAW OFFICES, S.C 7 North Pinckney Street Suite 300, Madison, WI 53703

Employee:Frederick M Mandir

Goods & Services:"sodak lawn", Lawn and turf fertilizer for sale to consumers at retail outlets, Sodak lawn maker

Owner:Ag-Fertilizer, Inc PO Box 757, Watertown, SD 57201