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Business Directory of South Dakota. Reliance City Office ...

403 E Chamberlain St, Reliance, SD 57569

Industry:Real Estate

Phone:(605) 473-5557

Description:Reliance City Office is a Real estate company located in 403 E Chamberlain St, Reliance, South Dakota, United States.

Categories:County Government Offices, Local Government Offices

Additional:City, City Courts

1008 S Ben St, Milltown, SD 57366

Industry:Whol Farm/Garden Machinery

Phone:(605) 928-7605

Member:Rob Heisinger / Manager, inactive

Categories:Auto Parts Wholesale & Manufacturers, Distribution Services

Products:Automotive Supplies

101 N Main Ave, Reliance, SD 57569

Categories:Bar & Grill Restaurants, Bars & Pubs, Burger Restaurants, Family Restaurants, Southwestern Restaurants

Phone:(605) 473-0130

Products:Beer, Taverns

Additional:Grill, Tavern

5024 S Bur Oak Pl, Sioux Falls, SD 57108

Industry:Insurance Companies

Phone:(605) 271-1939

Sioux Falls, SD  ·  Charleston, WV  ·  Little Rock, AR  ·  Phoenix, AZ

Industry:Managing General Agent

Registration:Jan 23, 2012

Addresses:2300 E 54Th St N, Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (Physical)
5400 D Big Tyler Rd., Charleston, WV 25313 (Physical)
124 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 1900, Little Rock, AR 72201 (Physical)
Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (Physical)
2390 E Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85016 (Physical)

State ID:03819329

Business type:Foreign LLC

Formation place:South Dakota


Members (4):Mark Payne / Manager, Incorporator/Organizer 2300 East 54Th Street North, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
8860 Flesher Circle, Eden Prairie, MN 55347 (Physical)
Michael Vanerdewyk / Manager 2300 East 54Th Street North, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
2222 Beacon Lane, Naples, FL 34103 (Physical)
Peter Shaw / Manager 2300 East 54Th Street North, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
715 East Inverness Drive, Sioux Falls, SD 57108 (Physical)
Reliamax Holding Company / Member 2300 E 54Th St N, Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (Physical)

Agent:C T Corporation System 208 So Lasalle St, Chicago, IL 60604 (Physical)

Doing:Mar 1, 2012

Filled under act:Foreign LLC; 1003 of 1993


402 E Chamberlain St, Reliance, SD 57569

Industry:Auto Repair

Phone:(605) 473-0302

31828 Fairview Ave, Vermillion, SD 57069

Categories:Carpet Cleaning Equipment & Supplies Wholesale & Manufacturers

Phone:(605) 624-0090

5015 S Western Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57108

Categories:Clothing & Accessories Consignment & Resale

Phone:(605) 274-3354

Brookings, SD 57006

Categories:Long Distance Phone Services, Phone Equipment & Systems Dealers

Phone:(605) 697-6164

2300 E 54Th St N, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Industry:Holding Company

2300 E 54Th St N, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Industry:Insurance Agent/Broker

11924 Bia Hwy, Agency Village, SD 57262

Industry:Telephone Communications

24816 334Th Ave, Reliance, SD 57569


Industry:Business Services at Non-Commercial Site, Nonclassifiable Establishments

Member:Laurie Schindler / Principal, inactive

101 S 3Rd Ave, Reliance, SD 57569


Industry:Fire Protection

Member:Dale Lulf / Director, inactive

6201 S Doral Trl, Sioux Falls, SD 57108


Industry:Management Services

Member:Aaron Maguire / Principal, inactive

4308 4Th Ave, Sitka, SD 57472


Industry:Telephone Communications

36178 299Th St, Bonesteel, SD 57317


Industry:Nonclassifiable Establishments

Rapid City, SD


Industry:Insurance Agent/Broker Life Insurance Carrier

Addresses:2102 Cruz Dr, Rapid City, SD 57702
PO Box 1977, Rapid City, SD 57709


Registration:Dec 22, 2011

State ID:4572418

Business type:Foreign For Profit

Agent:The Corporation Company, Inc 112 Sw 7Th Suite 3C, Topeka, KS 66603 (Physical)


Registration:Mar 7, 2012

Inactive since:Jul 15, 2016

State ID:4595120

Business type:Foreign Ltd Liability Company

Agent:The Corporation Company, Inc 112 Sw 7Th Street Suite 3C, Topeka, KS 66603 (Physical)