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on any company or organization

Business Contacts & Backgrounds

Business Directory of South Dakota. Re Max In The Hills ...

1145 N Main St, Spearfish, SD 57783

Industry:Real Estate Agents

Doing business as:RE/Max In The Hills Inc

Phone:(605) 642-2500, (605) 642-2555 (Fax), (877) 642-2500 (Free)

Members (2):Marysia Mc Dowall / Owner Human Resources Executives Marcia Mc Dow / President Human Resources Executives

SIC6:653101 - Relocation Service

Categories:Homes & Residential Real Estate

Specialties:Condominiums, Custom Homes, Foreclosures, Mobile Homes, New Homes, ...

In business since:1973

Products:Advertising, Auctions, Brochures, Buyer Counseling, Closing, ...

Additional:Buyer's Agent, Dual Agent, Seller'S Agent

Company size:25

6301 S. Minnesota Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57108

Industry:Alternative Medicine, Fitness Trainer, Health Workshops, Massage Therapy, Medical Spas, ...


Phone:(605) 275-0001

Description:The Re:Balance Center for Detoxification and Rejuvenation envisions a healthier community. We are committed to providing alternative wellness services and products to individuals, groups, companies,...

Member:Nicole Muilenburg


Open Hours:Mon 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, Tue 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, Wed 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, Thu 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, Fri 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM, ...


Service area:Entire area

Senior discount:No

1240 Jackson Blvd, Rapid City, SD 57702

Categories:Homes & Residential Real Estate, Real Estate Agencies & Brokerage, Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Appraisers, Real Estate Investments

Phone:(605) 341-4300, (605) 341-3460 (Fax), (800) 456-0860 (Free)

In business since:1973

Specialties:Acreage, Buildable, Coastal Property, Condominiums, Custom Homes, ...

Products:Advertising, Auctions, Brochures, Buyer Counseling, Closing, ...

Additional:Buyer's Agent, Dual Agent, Seller'S Agent

4940 5Th St, Ste 2A, Rapid City, SD 57701

Categories:Homes & Residential Real Estate

Phone:(605) 718-4503

In business since:1973

Specialties:Acreage, Buildable, Coastal Property, Condominiums, Custom Homes, ...

Products:Advertising, Auctions, Brochures, Buyer Counseling, Closing, ...

Additional:Buyer's Agent, Dual Agent, Seller'S Agent

134 Sherman St, Deadwood, SD 57732

Categories:Homes & Residential Real Estate

Phone:(605) 717-1544, (605) 717-1545 (Fax)

In business since:1973

Specialties:Condominiums, Custom Homes, Foreclosures, Mobile Homes, New Homes, ...

Products:Advertising, Auctions, Brochures, Buyer Counseling, Closing, ...

Additional:Buyer's Agent, Dual Agent, Seller'S Agent

606 W 33Rd St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Industry:Real Estate Agent/Manager, Real Estate Agents

Doing business as:Re Max Professionals

Phone:(605) 334-8585, (800) 334-8500 (Free), (605) 366-5153, (605) 334-9209 (Fax)

Members (35):Jay Hoover / Owner, Owner Sales Executive Joan Cota / President Karen Meyer / Realtor Brenda Rustad-Tombaga / Broker, inactive Kevin Northrup / Vice-President, inactive ...

SIC:8111 - Legal Services

SIC6:653101 - Relocation Service

Categories:Homes & Residential Real Estate, Real Estate Agencies & Brokerage, Real Estate Agents

Company size:3

2700 W Main, Rapid City, SD 57702

Phone:(610) 258-9600

Description:real estate

Member:James Weppel / Chief Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

606 W 33Rd Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(480) 820-0500

Description:real estate

Member:Jimmie Duranti / Chief Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

3023 E 10Th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Phone:(303) 696-7676

Description:real estate

Member:Michael Hardin / Principle

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1719 West Main Street, Rapid City, SD 57702

Phone:(610) 363-2001

Description:real estate

Member:James Wagner / CEO

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1145 Main Street, Spearfish, SD 57783

Phone:(704) 856-1100

Description:real estate

Member:David Wilhelm / Owner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

7700 Nameless Cave Road, Rapid City, SD 57702

Phone:(828) 254-0771

Description:real estate

Member:David Seidenberg / Manager

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1300 North Industrial Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Phone:(614) 766-5330

Description:real estate

Member:Jim Fradd / Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1115 E 20Th St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(501) 225-1950

Description:real estate

Member:James Johnson / Chief Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

772 E Dakota Ave, Pierre, SD 57501

Phone:(303) 420-5352

Description:real estate

Member:David Paul / Owner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2601 S Western, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(303) 773-3885

Description:real estate

Member:David Sullivan / Owner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2804 E 26Th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Phone:(303) 420-8800

Description:real estate

Member:Mirsad Telalbasic / Chief Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2601 S Western, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(419) 242-9871

Description:real estate

Member:James Hiltner / Owner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

3902 W 41St Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57106

Phone:(973) 838-7227

Description:real estate

Member:James Morando / Principle

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

308 E Holly, Brandon, SD 57005

Phone:(607) 257-6866

Description:real estate

Member:Greg Atsedes / Executive Officer

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

3130 W 57Th Street Suite 112, Sioux Falls, SD 57108

Phone:(310) 645-6455

Description:real estate

Member:James Green / Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

50 Cliff Street, Deadwood, SD 57732

Phone:(913) 345-2378

Description:real estate

Member:David Welch / Founder

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2920 W Main, Rapid City, SD 57702

Phone:(952) 474-0894

Description:real estate

Member:Monalee Hendrickson / Founder

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

300 N Dakota Avenue #400, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Phone:(516) 731-2700

Description:real estate

Member:James Himonidis / Manager

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1145 Main Street, Spearfish, SD 57783

Phone:(614) 864-8200

Description:real estate

Member:Joanne Jarvis / Chairman

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

140 W Jackson Boulevard, Spearfish, SD 57783

Phone:(773) 557-1500

Description:real estate

Member:Milica Davinic / CEO

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

311 S Coteau, Pierre, SD 57501

Phone:(904) 285-5640

Description:real estate

Member:David Peters / COO

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2804 E 26Th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Phone:(330) 865-0680

Description:real estate

Member:Jim Fleming / Chairman

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

601 S Phillips Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Phone:(601) 371-3737

Description:real estate

Member:Vickey Ward / President

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2700 W Main, Rapid City, SD 57702

Phone:(650) 802-5800

Description:real estate

Member:Jina Farzinpour / Manager

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

3023 E 10Th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Phone:(702) 951-7777

Description:real estate

Member:Jimena Paridee / CEO

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

40021 268Th Street, Dimock, SD 57331

Phone:(951) 699-7755

Description:real estate

Member:James Petersen / COO

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

501 South Phillips Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Phone:(503) 666-2020

Description:real estate

Member:James Gay / Chairman

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

140 W Jackson Boulevard, Spearfish, SD 57783

Phone:(310) 378-7747

Description:real estate

Member:John Covas / COO

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

812 S. Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Phone:(510) 744-3500

Description:real estate

Member:Connie Gholson / Principle

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

4020 Jackson Boulevard, Rapid City, SD 57702

Phone:(404) 378-9300

Description:real estate

Member:David Schenck / Administrator

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2601 S Western, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(860) 677-7535

Description:real estate

Member:James Krawiecki / Chief Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

505 12Th Street Se, Watertown, SD 57201

Phone:(970) 226-3990

Description:real estate

Member:Michelle Hickey / Administrator

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

606 W 33Rd Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(404) 847-0808

Description:real estate

Member:David Hutchins / Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

3023 E 10Th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Phone:(954) 384-6803

Description:real estate

Member:Maritza Fernandez / Founder

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1026 Jackson Boulevard, Rapid City, SD 57702

Phone:(248) 646-5000

Description:real estate

Member:David Schwartz / Chief Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

100 Silver Creek Drive, Wentworth, SD 57075

Phone:(218) 963-9554

Description:real estate

Member:David Ellingson / Manager

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2200 S Western Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(404) 233-4633

Description:real estate

Member:David Juliao / Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2804 E 26Th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Phone:(717) 338-0881

Description:real estate

Member:James Ekdahl / Owner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1001 9Th Avenue Se, Watertown, SD 57201

Phone:(310) 378-9494

Description:real estate

Member:Jimmy Vajid / Chairman

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2700 W Main, Rapid City, SD 57702

Phone:(954) 426-5400

Description:real estate

Member:Joseph Fiorello / Principle

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

611 6Th Street, Brookings, SD 57006

Phone:(631) 736-0660

Description:real estate

Member:James Baldwin / Owner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

376 Main Street, Deadwood, SD 57732

Phone:(618) 281-8883

Description:real estate

Member:David Wittenauer / Chief Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1135 Enchantment Road, Rapid City, SD 57701

Phone:(773) 396-5757

Description:real estate

Member:Sherry Swan / Partner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1824 N Jay Street, Aberdeen, SD 57401

Phone:(614) 436-0330

Description:real estate

Member:James Roberts / Administrator

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

601 N Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Phone:(843) 767-7777

Description:real estate

Member:James Hamilton / Owner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2804 E 26Th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Phone:(301) 577-8080

Description:real estate

Member:Richard Fletcher / Chairman

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

942 14Th Street, Sturgis, SD 57785

Phone:(970) 668-5300

Description:real estate

Member:Sharon Siler / Partner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2601 S Western, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(502) 425-6000

Description:real estate

Member:David Hartlage / Partner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2804 E 26Th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Phone:(907) 276-2761

Description:real estate

Member:Jim Doss / President

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

3500 S Western, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(215) 968-7400

Description:real estate

Member:James Mcgowan / Administrator

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

200 32Nd Avenue, Brookings, SD 57006

Phone:(407) 352-5800

Description:real estate

Member:David Cramer / Executive Officer

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

333 S Phillips Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Phone:(310) 541-5224

Description:real estate

Member:Jim Ghannadi / CEO

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

4120 S Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(270) 781-6000

Description:real estate

Member:David Howell / Founder

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

649 Nicholas Court, Huron, SD 57350

Phone:(440) 255-6505

Description:real estate

Member:James Wetzel / Administrator

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

217 N. Egan, Madison, SD 57042

Phone:(601) 296-2001

Description:real estate

Member:Teresa Montgomery / Owner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1560 N Highway 20, Watertown, SD 57201

Phone:(408) 252-9800

Description:real estate

Member:Jimmy Oyenuga / Chief Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

6009 W 41St St, Sioux Falls, SD 57106

Phone:(803) 731-2466

Description:real estate

Member:Jimmie Martin / Executive Officer

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2700 W Main, Rapid City, SD 57702

Phone:(239) 489-0444

Description:real estate

Member:David Rowzer / Partner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

710 10Th Street Sw, Watertown, SD 57201

Phone:(541) 482-8487

Description:real estate

Member:James North / President

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1905 Stagebarn Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783

Phone:(864) 241-8200

Description:real estate

Member:John Bowers / Principle

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1000 E 41St Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(412) 269-1400

Description:real estate

Member:James Lubert / Manager

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

99 Max Avenue, Yankton, SD 57078

Phone:(440) 729-9494

Description:real estate

Member:James Damiani / Principle

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1417 S Minnesota Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(308) 632-1032

Description:real estate

Member:Hal Merrigan / Principle

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

2804 E 26Th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Phone:(561) 852-3001

Description:real estate

Member:Anthony Frontiero / Founder

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

104 S Lincoln, Aberdeen, SD 57401

Phone:(317) 881-3700

Description:real estate

Member:David Neu / Chairman

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1000 E 41St Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57105

Phone:(708) 474-4000

Description:real estate

Member:David Iwaszko / Partner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

503 Mount Rushmore Road, Custer, SD 57730

Phone:(919) 553-4003

Description:real estate

Member:David Turlington / Administrator

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

106 West Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501

Phone:(847) 577-9797

Description:real estate

Member:David Pickard / Executive Officer

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

204 N Euclid Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501

Phone:(770) 447-5558

Description:real estate

Member:David Pace / Owner

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

1001 9Th Avenue Se, Watertown, SD 57201

Phone:(412) 366-9972

Description:real estate

Member:James Nagy / Administrator

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

503 W 4Th Street, Dell Rapids, SD 57022

Phone:(609) 587-9300

Description:real estate

Member:James Brimmer / Executive

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

104 W 4Th Avenue, Milbank, SD 57252

Phone:(919) 518-8100

Description:real estate

Member:Susan Smith / Administrator

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

633 N Main Avenue, Garretson, SD 57030

Phone:(310) 979-4000

Description:real estate

Member:James Brunet / Founder

SIC:6531 - Real Estate Agents and Managers

Sanator, SD

Industry:Ret Used Merchandise

Phone:(605) 673-3293

Addresses:606 Mount Rushmore Rd, Sanator, SD 57730
618 Mount Rushmore Rd, Custer, SD 57730

Member:Isabel Hanson / Owner

Categories:Resale Second Hand & Used Merchandise Stores


23 10Th Ave Nw, Pelican, SD 57201

Industry:Roofing/Siding Contractor Drywall/Insulating Contractor

Phone:(605) 882-9695

Members (2):Craig Hanson / President Connie Hanson / Co-Owner

1490 Lazelle St, Sturgis, SD 57785

Industry:Real Estate Agents

Phone:(605) 347-0141

909 Broadway Ave, Yankton, SD 57078

Industry:Real Estate Agents

Phone:(605) 260-1600

120 5Th St Se, Watertown, SD 57201

Industry:Real Estate Agents

Phone:(605) 886-3030

Rapid City, SD

Registration:Jun 26, 2008

Addresses:PO Box 725, Rapid City, SD 57709
3824 Jet Dr, Rapid City, SD 57703

State ID:F08000002862

Business type:Foreign for Profit Corporation

Entity State:FL

Members (10):Kirby D. Mellegard / Secretary, Chairman David E. Withee / Chairman Paul E. Fosdick / Director Leo L. Van Sambeek / Chairman, Vice President Todd J. Kenner / President, Secretary ...

161 W Main St Ste B, Lead, SD 57754

Industry:Real Estate Agents

Phone:(605) 717-1544

Colman, SD 57017

Categories:General Real Estate

Phone:(605) 530-9642

2800 S Jonathan Ln, Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Industry:Business Services at Non-Commercial Site

Rapid City, SD 57702

Registration:Jun 11, 1969

State ID:295-064

Business type:Foreign Corporation

Formation place:South Dakota

Agent:Csc Lawyers Incorporating Svc Inc Montgomery, AL 36104 (Physical)

Doing:Feb 1, 2014

Rapid City, SD  ·  Charleston, WV  ·  Phoenix, AZ


Industry:Engineering Services Computer Related Services Business Consulting Services

Doing business as:RESPEC CONSULTING
Re/Spec Inc
Respec Information Tech
Respec Information Technologie
Respec Water and Natural Resou
Respec Wtr & Natural Resources

Registration:Jun 27, 2014

Inactive since:Sep 6, 2005

Phone:(605) 394-6400, (708) 349-5380, (708) 873-6457 (Fax)

Addresses:PO Box 725, Rapid City, SD 57709 (Mailing)
Corporation Service Company, Charleston, WV 25302 (Physical)
3824 Jet Drive, Rapid City, SD 57709 (Physical)
2338 W Royal Palm Rd Ste J, Phoenix, AZ 85021 (Physical)

State ID:2001-000418975

Business type:Corporation


Members (19):Todd J. Kenner / President 2971 Moon Meadow Drive, Rapid City, SD 57702
PO Box 725, Rapid City, SD 57709 (Physical)
Paul E. Fosdick / Director Tom Zeller / President James A. Geisler / Vice President-Albuq Leo L. Van Sambeek / Vice President ...

Agent:Csc-Lawyers Incorporating Service Company 221 Bolivar Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101 (Physical)

SIC:8711 - Engineering Services

SIC6:874202 - Factory Locating Consultants

Company size:370

Brookings, SD


Industry:Real Estate Agent/Manager, Rl Este Agntresidntl

Doing business as:Re Max

Phone:(605) 690-2659, (605) 691-1335 (Alt), (605) 692-5510, (605) 692-4420 (Fax)

Addresses:1212 Main Ave S, Brookings, SD 57006
Brookings, SD 57006

Categories:General Real Estate, Homes & Residential Real Estate

Specialties:Buildable, Condominiums, executive homes, Foreclosures, Mobile Homes, ...

In business since:1973

Products:Advertising, Auctions, Brochures, Buyer Counseling, Closing, ...

Additional:Buyer's Agent, Dual Agent, Seller'S Agent

2851 Essex Rd, Francis, SD 57501


Industry:Nonclassifiable Establishments

Member:Jean A. Davis / Principal, inactive


Registration:Jun 16, 2008

Inactive since:Jan 15, 2016

State ID:4211975

Business type:Foreign For Profit

Agent:Corporation Service Company 2900 Sw Wanamaker Drive Suite 204, Topeka, KS 66614 (Physical)