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Business Directory of South Dakota. Jones Construction, LLC ...

40230 Us Highway 14, Huron, SD 57350

Industry:Excavating Contractor

Doing business as:Jones Construction

Phone:(605) 352-5707

Member:Wayne D. Jones / Managing Member

Categories:Sand & Gravel Wholesale & Manufacturers

Customers served:Industrial

Products:Gravel, Sand, White Sand

Industry:Hardware Stores, Ret Hardware, Home Improvement Stores, Hardware-Retail

Doing business as:ACE HARDWARE

Phone:(605) 624-3195, (605) 624-2743 (Fax)

Addresses:820 Cottage Ave, Meckling, SD 57069
812 Cottage Ave, Vermillion, SD 57069

Members (2):Greg Peters / President Gregg Peters / President, inactive

SIC:5251 - Hardware Stores

SIC6:525104 - Hardware-Retail

Company size:16

Norbeck, SD

Industry:Retail, Crop Spraying

Phone:(605) 598-6682

Description:Jones Aviation Inc is a Retail company located in P.O. BOX 143, Faulkton, South Dakota, United States.

Addresses:PO Box 143, Faulkton, SD 57438
City Airport, Norbeck, SD 57438

Members (3):Sharon Jones / President Jack Jones / Manager R. Tamela Jones / Director, inactive

Categories:Aerial Applicators

Sioux Falls, SD  ·  Rapid City, SD

Industry:Trade Contractor, New Construction and Building Restoration

Doing business as:Jones Caulking & Tuckpointing, Inc

Phone:(605) 332-2800, (605) 388-8802, (605) 332-2700 (Fax)

Addresses:PO Box 89032, Sioux Falls, SD 57109
Rapid City, SD 57701
508 N Garfield Cir, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Member:Kelly Jones / Owner, President

Categories:Caulking Contractors, Masonry Contractors, Tuckpointing & Cleaning

Products:Caulking, Firestopping, Masonry Restoration, Specializing in, Specializing in - Caulking, ...

Additional:Specializing In

5539 Wildwood Dr, Rapid City, SD 57702

Industry:Single-Family House Construction

Doing business as:Jones Construction Co

Phone:(605) 341-6812

Members (2):Melanie Jones / President Ross Jones / President

Categories:Home Builders & Developers

285 Cedar Hills Rd, Yankton, SD 57078

Industry:Single-Family House Construction

Phone:(605) 665-6228

Member:Chad Jones / Owner

121 Main St, Murdo, SD 57559

Categories:Youth Organizations Centers & Clubs

Phone:(605) 669-2087

304 E 2Nd St, Murdo, SD 57559


Phone:(605) 669-2924

Plum Creek, SD

Industry:Ret Liquor Store Whol Veterinary Supplies & Ret Saddlery

Phone:(605) 859-2482

Addresses:140 S Ctr, Plum Creek, SD 57567
PO Box 943, Plum Creek, SD 57567

Member:Irvin A. Jones / Owner

Industry:Civic/Social Association

Addresses:115 Main St, Murdo, SD 57559
PO Box 122, Murdo, SD 57559

Members (2):Bev Andrews / President Monet Anchor / Vice-President

509 2Nd St S, Butler, SD 57219

Industry:Business Services

Member:Tom Jones / Owner

Registration:Dec 15, 2008

State ID:DL017895

Business type:Domestic LLC

Agent:Wayne Jones 40230 Us Highway 14, Huron, SD 57350

343 9Th St, Sturgis, SD 57785


Industry:Residential Care

Member:Charles E. Jones / Principal, inactive

2001 W 45Th St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105


Industry:Nonclassifiable Establishments

525 E 2Nd St, Carter, SD 57580


Industry:Nonclassifiable Establishments