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Business Directory of South Dakota. Crow Creek Sioux Tribal Schools, Inc ...

Industry:Elementary/Secondary School

Phone:(605) 852-2455, (605) 852-2416

Addresses:112 Crow Creek Loop, Stephan, SD 57346
101 Crow Creek Loop, Stephan, SD 57346

Members (8):Creighton Howe / Human Resources Director Barry Thompson / Finance Manager Patricia Hawk / Adminastrative Officer Joe Hess / Principal Silas Blaine / Superintendent, inactive ...

Industry:Elementary/Secondary School

Doing business as:Crow Creek Middle School
Crow Creek Rsrvation High Schl
Crow Creek Elementary School
Crow Creek Reservation Schl Bd
Crow Creek Tribal High School

Phone:(605) 852-2416, (605) 852-2455

Addresses:101 Crow Creek Loop, Stephan, SD 57346
112 Crow Creek Loop, Stephan, SD 57346

Members (8):Patricia Hawk / Adminastrative Officer Joe Hess / Principal Creighton Howe / Human Resources Director Barry Thompson / Finance Manager Vilas Fallis / Computer Technician, inactive ...

Crow Creek, SD

Industry:Local Passenger Transportation

Phone:(605) 245-2345

Addresses:PO Box 409, Crow Creek, SD 57339
Crow Creek, SD 57339

Members (5):Tommy Thompson / Director Duane Big / President, inactive Don Eagle / Manager, inactive Bernadette Farmer / Manager, inactive Wallace Wells / Manager, inactive

101 Crow Creek Loop, Stephan, SD 57346


Phone:(605) 852-2416

Products:Secondary Schools

101 Crow Creek Loop, Stephan, SD 57346

Categories:Colleges & Universities, Educational Administration, Public Schools, Schools

Phone:(605) 852-2993

Products:Secondary Schools

Bureau Of Indian Affairs, Fort Thompson, SD 57339

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(605) 245-2425

Customers served:Commercial

Products:Benefits and Grants, Consumer Protection, Defense and International, Education and Jobs, Environment, Energy and Agriculture, ...

Fort Thompson, SD 57339

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(605) 245-2315

Customers served:Commercial

Products:Benefits and Grants, Consumer Protection, Defense and International, Education and Jobs, Environment, Energy and Agriculture, ...

101 Crow Creek Loop, Stephan, SD 57346

Categories:Colleges & Universities, Elementary Schools, Native American Government Offices, Public Schools, Schools

Phone:(605) 852-2455

PO Box 247, Fort Thompson, SD 57339

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(605) 245-2325

Products:Tribal Government Agencies

Fort Thompson, SD 57339

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(605) 245-2316

PO Box 50, Fort Thompson, SD 57339

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(605) 245-2296, (605) 245-2216 (Fax)

Fort Thompson, SD 57339

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(605) 245-2353

PO Box 139, Fort Thompson, SD 57339

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(605) 245-2456

PO Box 497, Fort Thompson, SD 57339

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(605) 245-2125, (605) 245-2216 (Fax)

Industry:Real Estate Agents

Phone:(605) 245-2695

Addresses:Central Cir, Fort Thompson, SD 57339
PO Box 19, Fort Thompson, SD 57339

Categories:Housing Authorities

Products:Federal Government, Forms, Maps

Crow Creek, SD 57339

Industry:Amusement/Recreation Services

Member:Wallace Wells / Manager, inactive


Industry:Elementary/Secondary School

Phone:(605) 245-2372

Addresses:123 White Ghost Dr, Crow Creek, SD 57339
Po Box B, Crow Creek, SD 57339

Member:Amelia Blackbear / Principal, inactive

23539 365Th Ave, Kimball, SD 57355


Industry:Nonresidential Building Operator