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Business Directory of Oregon. M. K. TOOLING, INC ...

4720 Ne 135Th Ave, Portland, OR 97230

Industry:Tool & Die Shop, Metal Restoration

Doing business as:M K Tooling, Inc
M K Tooling

Registration:Jan 27, 1986

Phone:(503) 253-9072

State ID:1846880

Business type:Domestic Business Corporation

Members (3):Matt Kaartinen / President, Owner Julie Kaartinen / Secretary, inactive Matti Kaartinen / President, inactive

Agent:Matt Juhanikaartinen 4720 Ne 135Th, Portland, OR 97230 (Physical)

Categories:Machinery - New, Machine Shops

Products:Machine Turning, Machinists, Milling, Tool Repair

Newport, OR

Industry:Commercial Fishing

Phone:(541) 336-3136

Addresses:10045 Yaquina Bay Rd, Newport, OR 97365
PO Box 224, Newport, OR 97365

Members (2):Mark K. Richardson / Co-Owner Shyla Richardson / Co-Owner

9694 Se 82Nd Ave, Happy Valley, OR 97086

Categories:Fruits & Vegetables Retail, Fruits & Vegetables Wholesale

Phone:(503) 774-1235

2115 Ne Highway 20, Bend, OR 97701

Categories:Manicures & Pedicures

Phone:(541) 318-9191

1325 V Ave, La Grande, OR 97850

Categories:Plumbing Contractors

Phone:(541) 805-1938

925 Ne 2Nd Ave, Ontario, OR 97914

Categories:Transportation Services, Trucking Companies

Phone:(541) 889-3216

PO Box 596, Brookings, OR 97415

Registration:Jan 1, 2006

Phone:(541) 469-3310

Categories:Painting Contractors

1405 Ne Lafayette Ave Ste E, McMinnville, OR 97128

Registration:Mar 27, 2003

State ID:13938295

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Agent:Michael Jmorris 1405 Ne Lafayette Ave Ste E, McMinnville, OR 97128 (Physical)

PO Box 9105, Salem, OR 97305

Categories:Builders & Contractors

Phone:(503) 932-1291

Beaverton, OR  ·  Portland, OR

Registration:Aug 25, 2005

Addresses:PO Box 601, Beaverton, OR 97075 (Mailing)
10966 Se Mclaughlin Blvd, Portland, OR 97222 (Physical)

State ID:30765796

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Agent:Nabil Kkanso 3580 Sw 123Rd Ave, Beaverton, OR 97005 (Physical)

1110 E Street, Baker City, OR 97814

Registration:Oct 18, 2011

State ID:80750293

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Agent:Marianne Kklingler 1110 E Street, Baker City, OR 97814 (Physical)

10220 Sw Nimbus Ave, Portland, OR 97223

Industry:Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholes

Phone:(503) 539-7564

Description:Service Establishment Equipment

Member:Jack Guinen / Manager

SIC:5087 - Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies

Company size:4

3320 Neal Mill Rd, Dee, OR 97031


Industry:Chainsaws Power Tools Garden Equipment, Home Improvement Stores

Doing business as:M K MOTORS

Phone:(541) 354-1660

Members (2):John Kroeger / Vice-President Mike Kroeger / President

45979 Oak St, Lyons, OR 97358



Registration:Apr 14, 2011

State ID:76478099

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Member:Mary Wiessner / Principal, inactive

Agent:Mary Kaywiessner 45979 Oak St, Lyons, OR 97358 (Physical)

Ontario, OR 97914

