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Business Directory of Oklahoma. Wynnewood Insurance ...

Wynnewood, OK

Industry:Surety Insurance Carrier Hospital/Medical Service Plan Insurance Agent/Broker

Doing business as:Wynnewood Insurance Corporation

Phone:(405) 665-2018, (405) 665-2048 (Fax)

Addresses:PO Box 368, Wynnewood, OK 73098
204 S Dean A Mcgee Ave, Wynnewood, OK 73098

Members (8):Monie Perry / Partner Patty Musgrove / Partner Gina Weatherford / Partner Dyann Pingleton / Office Manager Jonathan Ohenhen / Internal Medicine ...


In business since:1937

Customers served:Commercial

Brands:Auto, Commercial, Country Insurance, Financial

Products:American, Auto, Auto Home, Boats, Farm, ...

Payment options:Progressive


Wynnewood, OK

Industry:Ret Florist, Ret Florist Ret Gifts/Novelties

Phone:(405) 665-2043

Addresses:207 S Dean A Mcgee Ave, Wynnewood, OK 73098
PO Box 536, Wynnewood, OK 73098
102 N Dean A Mcgee Ave, Wynnewood, OK 73098

Members (3):Keith Huitt / Owner Mary Huitt / Secretary, inactive Betty Crump / Owner, inactive


In business since:1991

Products:Area Wide Delivery

Payment options:American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard, VISA

Additional:20 Years Floral Experience

204 S Robberson Ave, Wynnewood, OK 73098

Categories:Methodist Churches, Religious Counseling Services

Phone:(405) 665-4485

Specialties:Marriage Counseling, PASTORAL COUNSELING

Products:Baptisms, Christian Counseling, Counseling, Family Counseling, Marriage Counseling, ...

Additional:Contemporary, Methodist

Industry:Elementary/Secondary School, Elementary & Secondary Schools

Doing business as:Wynnewood High School

Phone:(405) 665-2004, (405) 665-2045, (405) 665-5425 (Fax), (405) 665-4105, (405) 665-4371, (405) 665-2884 (Fax)

Addresses:702 E Robert S Kerr Blvd, Wynnewood, OK 73098
702 E Chickasaw St, Wynnewood, OK 73098
301 E Chickasaw St, Wynnewood, OK 73098
N Carr, Wynnewood, OK 73098

Members (24):John Turner / Manager, Chancellor, Principal Raymond Cole / Superintendent Sue Dixon / Computer Lab Director, Education Barbara Robertson / Psychologist Tammy Grove / Principal ...

SIC:8211 - Elementary and Secondary Schools


Products:Secondary Schools

Additional:Elementary School, High School, Secondary School

Company size:4

103 E Cherokee St, Wynnewood, OK 73098

Industry:Funeral Homes

Phone:(405) 665-4554

301 E Chickasaw St, Wynnewood, OK 73098

Phone:(405) 665-4371, (405) 665-2405 (Fax)

Member:Dennis Cain / Principal

SIC:8211 - Elementary and Secondary Schools

SIC6:821103 - Schools


Products:Secondary Schools

Additional:Elementary School, High School

Company size:4

Industry:Museum/Art Gallery

Addresses:114 E Robert S Kerr Blvd, Wynnewood, OK 73098
PO Box 428, Wynnewood, OK 73098

215 S Chickasaw St, Pauls Valley, OK 73075

Industry:Insurance Agent/Broker

57 Route 1, Wynnewood, OK 73098

Industry:Elementary/Secondary School


Registration:Nov 20, 2012

State ID:3512381264

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Agent:Keith Huitt 502 N. Taylor, Wynnewood, OK 73098


Registration:Apr 11, 1995

State ID:2100550634

Business type:Domestic Not For Profit Corporation

Agent:Frank W James 101 N Dean A Mcgee, Wynnewood, OK 73098


Registration:Oct 27, 1988

State ID:2100472607

Business type:Domestic Not For Profit Corporation

Agent:Robert Wadlow 9119 S Florence Pl, Tulsa, OK 74137


Registration:Apr 25, 1984

State ID:3100418512

Business type:Domestic For Profit Corporation Insurance

Agent:Gary D. Rader 116 N. Custer, Weatherford, OK 73096


Registration:Dec 31, 1985

State ID:3100440536

Business type:Domestic For Profit Corporation Insurance

Agent:Robert M. Bramlett 720 Grand Ave., Ardmore, OK 73401


Registration:Mar 15, 1911

State ID:1900007937

Business type:Domestic For Profit Business Corporation


Registration:May 14, 2003

State ID:4700120849

Business type:Name Reservation


Registration:Dec 4, 1973

State ID:2100266076

Business type:Domestic Not For Profit Corporation

Agent:Mike Grissom 114 E Robert S Kerr, Wynnewood, OK


Registration:Aug 17, 1910

State ID:1100006547

Business type:Domestic Bank