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Business Directory of New Mexico. Windmill Chevron ...

3628 National Parks Hwy, Carlsbad, NM 88220

Industry:Gasoline Service Station Ret Groceries

Phone:(575) 885-9761

Members (3):Don Brewer / Owner Kim Dossey / Manager Joanne Lopez / Manager

Categories:Convenience Stores, Fuels Retail, Gas Stations

Brands:Chevron, Techron, Texaco

Products:Antifreeze, Automotive Fluids, Coolants, Fuel, Groceries, ...

876 Rhein Dr Se, Rio Rancho, NM 87124


Phone:(505) 385-6003

3500 E 3Rd Ave, T or C, NM 87901

Industry:Marina Operation, Marinas

Phone:(575) 894-2013


Members (3):Jerry Gustin / Owner Jerry Guston / Owner Don Gustin / Partner

SIC:4493 - Marinas

Categories:Boat & Boat Trailer Storage

Customers served:Industrial

Products:Boat Service

Company size:4

Saturn, TX  ·  Portales, NM  ·  Burnet, TX

Registration:Jun 30, 2009

Addresses:7009 State Highway 304, Saturn, TX 78632
1829 S Roosevelt Rd, Portales, NM 88130
121 L Debo Dr, Burnet, TX 78611

State ID:E0350642009-2

Business type:Domestic Limited-Liability Company

Entity State:NV

Members (3):Temple R. Kennedy / Mmember Tidm Llc / Mmember Tierras Technologies Inc / Mmember

Agent:1St Nevada Incorporating Network

1855 Tramway Terrace Loop Ne, Albuquerque, NM 87122

Industry:Business Services at Non-Commercial Site, Nonclassifiable Establishments

Member:Judith Brey / Ma

5 Cerrado Ct, Santa Fe, NM 87508

Industry:Business Services at Non-Commercial Site, Nonclassifiable Establishments



Santa Fe, NM

Registration:Jun 1, 2012

State ID:85641444

Status:686 - Published for opposition

Status date:Jan 1, 2013

Illustration:Drawing or design which also includes word(s)/ letter(s)/number(s)

Attorney:Janeen Vilven PEACOCK MYERS, PC 201 3Rd St Nw Ste 1340, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Employee:Christina Sobral

Goods & Services:Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark., "toe wedge", The mark consists of the design element is a stretcher with a grey half circle above and the words "windlass toe wedge" appearing below.,...

Owner:Ehlers, Peter 1387 Santa Rosa Dr, Santa Fe, NM 87505


Industry:Marketing and Advertising, Local Trucking Operator

Doing business as:Progress Elevator
Progress Elevator Company
Windmill, Inc

Registration:Oct 20, 2003

Phone:(575) 683-0384, (575) 683-5154 (Fax)

Description:Windmill Inc is a Marketing and Advertising company located in 650 Curry Road O, Clovis, New Mexico, United States.

Addresses:650 Curry Road O, Clovis, NM 88101
650 Cr O, Clovis, NM 88101 (Mailing)

State ID:800261012

Business type:Dba Progress Elevator Company

Members (4):Art Schaap / Director 650 Curry Rd. O, Clovis, NM 88101 Gary Bonestroo / Director 327 Nm 467, Portales, NM 88130 Art Schaap / Director, inactive Gary Bonestroo / Director, inactive

Agent:Jeff W. Atkinson PO Box 286, Farwell, TX 79325 (Physical)


Categories:Trucking Companies

222 Willow Rd Nw, Albuquerque, NM 87107


Industry:Business Services

Registration:Mar 23, 2011

State ID:0801401077

Business type:Dba Face Down Comfort Systems Llc

Members (2):Kathleen Malone-Griego / Manager, inactive 222 Willow Road Nw, Albuquerque, NM 87107 Tomas Griego / Manager, inactive 222 Willow Road Nw, Albuquerque, NM 87107

Agent:Robert W Pritz 6438 Brookway Drive, San Antonio, TX 78240 (Physical)


12 Valley Dr, Animas, NM 88020


Industry:Building Maintenance Services, Nec, Nsk

Member:Adelina R. Martineau / Owner, inactive

9 Russell Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87508


Industry:Nonclassifiable Establishments

Member:Jarrett West / Principal, inactive

277 E Amador Ave, Las Cruces, NM 88001


Industry:Nonclassifiable Establishments

Member:Kyle H. Moberly / Principal, inactive

123 E Marcy St, Santa Fe, NM 87501


Industry:General Animal Farm

Member:Laura Dinatale / President, inactive

878 Highway 116, Bernardo, NM 87006


Industry:Local Trucking Operator

93 Sedillo Rd, Sedillo, NM 87059


Industry:Business Consulting Services, Nonclassifiable Establishments

PO Box 967, Carrizozo, NM 88301


Industry:Membership Organization