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Business Directory of New Mexico. PUEBLO INSURANCE AGENCY, INC ...

Industry:Insurance Agency

Registration:Aug 14, 2002

Phone:(505) 883-2564

Addresses:2401 12Th Street Nw  , Albuquerque, NM 87104 (Mailing)
2401 12Th Street Nw   , Albuquerque, NM 87104 (Physical)
2401 12Th St Nw, Albuquerque, NM 87104

State ID:2273217

Business type:Foreign Profit

Members (3):Dennis Lorenzo / Principal Chris Rierson / President, Executive Director, inactive Carmen Barnes / Secretary, inactive

4495 Highway 4, Jemez Pueblo, NM 87024

Industry:Real Estate Agents

Phone:(575) 834-0305

Categories:Housing Authorities

Products:Federal Government

9 Basswood Rd, Laguna, NM 87026

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(505) 552-7534

Products:Tribal Government Agencies

3120 Camino Real Ct Ne, Albuquerque, NM 87111

Industry:Gift Shops

Phone:(505) 268-8764

2401 12Th St Nw, # 214, Albuquerque, NM 87104

Industry:Insurance Companies, Insurance Agencies & Brokerages

Phone:(505) 883-2564, (505) 883-2566 (Fax), (800) 933-2564 (Free)

Member:Chris Rierson / Executive Director

SIC:6411 - Insurance Agents, Brokers, and Service

SIC6:641112 - Insurance



Brands:Country Insurance, Financial

Products:Employee Benefits, Risk Management, Workers Compensation

Company size:1

PO Box 194, Laguna, NM 87026

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(505) 552-6717

Products:Tribal Government Agencies

Laguna, NM 87026

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(505) 552-6008

Products:Tribal Government Agencies

Laguna, NM 87026

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(505) 552-9712

Products:Tribal Government Agencies

Pueblo Laguna, Laguna, NM 87026

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(505) 552-9658

PO Box 194, Laguna, NM 87026

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(505) 552-6651

Community Service Bldg, Laguna, NM 87026

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(505) 552-6652

PO Box 194, Laguna, NM 87026

Categories:Native American Government Offices

Phone:(505) 552-7285

Casa Blanca, NM  ·  Old Laguna, NM

Industry:Business Consulting, Nec, Nsk, Combination Utilities

Addresses:176 Casa Blanca Rd, Casa Blanca, NM 87007
PO Box 208, Old Laguna, NM 87026
6 Arrowhead Rd, Old Laguna, NM 87026

Members (2):Ken Garcia / General Manager Heather Kie / General Manager

Registration:May 3, 1989

Addresses:Hc60, Quemado, NM 87829 (Mailing)
4 - A Pueblo Largo Circle  , Quemado, NM 87829 (Physical)

State ID:1442201

Business type:Domestic Nonprofit

Members (3):Harlan R Steele / President Jim Sieminski / Vice President Joe Salazar / Treasurer

Agent:Harlon R Steele Hrc 60 Box 120, Quemado, NM 87829 (Physical)

522 Marquette Ave., Albuquerque, NM 87110


Registration:Jan 3, 1963

State ID:482802

Business type:Domestic Profit

Members (3):Richard Jiron / President Raymond M. Aragon / Vice President John Rubenilli / Secretary

Seboyeta, NM  ·  Old Laguna, NM


Industry:Sport/Recreation Camp

Phone:(505) 552-6530

Addresses:PO Box 229, Seboyeta, NM 87014
Old Laguna, NM 87026

Member:Rick Dodson / Manager, inactive

1504 Bridge Blvd., Albuquerque, NM 87105


Registration:Mar 5, 1987

State ID:1344357

Business type:Domestic Profit

Members (4):Jake Chavez / President Alvin Vigil / Vice President David L. Lujan / Secretary None / Treasurer

PO Box 1018, Santa Teresa, NM 88008


Registration:May 11, 1992

State ID:1565639

Business type:Domestic Profit

Members (3):Ernest R. Crawford / President Arnold J. Gaskins / Vice President Ivonne Rodriguez / Secretary

Agent:Billy K. Burgett 6501 Americas Parkway N.e., Albuquerque, NM 87110 (Physical)

2800 San Mateo Blvd Ne, Albuquerque, NM 87110



Member:Jackie Jordan / Principal, inactive

130 Grant Ave.  , Santa Fe, NM 87501


Registration:Dec 16, 1977

State ID:944538

Business type:Domestic Profit

Agent:Rudy Wyrsch 130 Grant Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87501 (Physical)

Old Laguna, NM


Industry:Apartment Building Operator

Addresses:PO Box 178, Old Laguna, NM 87026
15 Rio San Jose Dr, Old Laguna, NM 87026

Member:Jeffrey Kefferx / Executive Director, inactive


Registration:Nov 1, 1957

State ID:373589

Business type:Domestic Profit


Registration:Mar 18, 1958

State ID:383760

Business type:Domestic Nonprofit