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Business Directory of Missouri. Jim's Honey Do Home Repair ...

Industry:Custom Cabinets, Woodworking, Ceiling Fans, Countertops, Doors, ...

Phone:(417) 348-1962

Addresses:Hollister, MO 65672
113 Eagle Valley Ct, Hollister, MO 65672

Free estimates:Yes

Categories:Handy Person Services

Open Hours:Mon 08:00 AM-05:00 PM, Tue 08:00 AM-05:00 PM, Wed 08:00 AM-05:00 PM, Thu 08:00 AM-05:00 PM, Fri 08:00 AM-05:00 PM, ...

Specialties:Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Remodeling, Decks, Crown Mol

Ownership:Locally owned, Family Owned

In business since:2003

Areas served:County - Taney, MO

Customers served:Residential, Commercial

Brands:American Standard, Andersen, Armstrong, Corian, Craftsman

Products:Additions, Appliances, Appointments Welcomed, Attics, Basements, ...

Payment options:Personal Checks


Certifications:Certified Contractor

Emergency service:Emergency service available

Additional:Licensed and InsuredDecks

8075 Nw Hwy Nn, Stewartsville, MO 64454

Industry:Woodworking, Plumbing, Replacement Windows


Phone:(816) 424-1215

Description:Kitchen Remoldes and Bathroom Remodels, Trim Work, Decks, Drywall work,

Member:Jim Klino


Open Hours:Mon 07.00 AM - 06.00 PM, Tue 07.00 AM - 06.00 PM, Wed 07.00 AM - 06.00 PM, Thu 07.00 AM - 06.00 PM, Fri 07.00 AM - 06.00 PM, ...

Features:Emergency Service


Service area:St. Joseph Missouri and Kansas City Area

Free estimates:Yes

Excluded services:Do Not Do, Carpeting, Heating or A/C Work and No Roofing

2131 Northeast Todd George Road, Lees Summit, MO 64081

Phone:(816) 868-5001

In Business Since:1995

Categories:Doors, Electrical, Fans, Fences, Handyman Services, ...

Specialties:Door Repair, Door Hardware Repair, Storm Door Repair, Sliding Door Install, Sliding Door or Tracks Repair, ...

Service area:Independence, Lees Summit, Blue Springs, Lone Jack

Business facts:Free Estimates

Expertise:Electrical outlets, switches, fixture ceiling fan repair or replace, Plumbing leaks, stool or faucet repair or replace, Doors (interior or exterior)- Storm doors new or replace, Drywall repair, patching and painting, Handyman for Multiple Small Projects, light yard maintenance and trimming

414 Bill Ave, Rolla, MO 65401

Industry:Single-Family House Construction

Phone:(573) 364-2188

Member:Jim Corey / Owner

Categories:Home Improvement & Maintenance

6815 Howdershell Rd, Hazelwood, MO 63042

Industry:Power Laundry

Phone:(314) 731-0670

Member:Jim Mort / Owner

Categories:Commercial Laundries

Industry:Lawn/Garden Services

Phone:(573) 996-5824

Addresses:101 N Green St, Doniphan, MO 63935
PO Box 756, Doniphan, MO 63935
101 W Highway St, Doniphan, MO 63935

Member:Jim Baggett / Principal

Categories:Lawn Mowing Services, Lawn Services, Tree Trimming Services

314 E Main St, Hayti, MO 63851

Industry:Jewelry Stores

Phone:(573) 359-2502

4804 Norwood Ave, Kansas City, MO 64133

Phone:(816) 529-4391

Member:Jim Springer

Rr 5, Joplin, MO 64804


Phone:(417) 624-0818

3028 Westminister Dr, Saint Charles, MO 63301


Member:James Moore / Owner

931 N 6Th St, Withers Mill, MO 63401

Industry:Single-Family House Construction

2308 S Manley Ct, Springfield, MO 65807

Industry:Single-Family House Construction

505 W Fort Scott St, Butler, MO 64730

Industry:Whol Construction Materials

5605 County Road 4011, Tebbetts, MO 65080

Industry:Ret Used Merchandise Ret Groceries

314 E Main St, Pascola, MO 63851


Industry:Ret Jewelry, Jewelry Stores

Doing business as:Jim's Jewelry Shop

Phone:(573) 359-2502

Member:Jimmy D. Burke / Owner, inactive

314 E Main St, Pascola, MO 63851


Industry:Ret Jewelry

Phone:(573) 359-2502

Member:Jimmy D. Burke / Owner, inactive

8075 Nw Hwy, Hemple, MO 64490


Industry:Single-Family House Construction

Member:James Klino / Executive, Principal, inactive

9517 E Us Highway 24, Independence, MO 64053


Industry:Eating Places

Members (2):Jim Zandt / Principal, inactive Jim V. Zandt / Owner, Principal, inactive

17460 Hilltop Ridge Dr, Wildwood, MO 63025


Industry:Auto Transmission Repair

315 Sherlock Dr, Junction City, MO 63645


Industry:Lawn/Garden Services