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Business Directory of Indiana., Inc ...

111 N Market St Ste 830, Indianapolis, IN 46205

Phone:(317) 221-2000, (317) 221-2167 (Fax)

Email:Sign in to view email

SIC6:822101 - Schools-Universities & Colleges Academic

Company size:185

500 E Walnut St, Evansville, IN 47713


Phone:(812) 465-6202

Description:There are 5 doctors at this site. Surgery is not performed at this site.

Member:Qamaruddoja Shams Ahme Khan

460 S State Road 71, Helt, IN 47847

Industry:Corn Farm Soybean Farm

Phone:(765) 665-3557

Member:Robert Ellis / Principal

487 East St, Indianapolis, IN 46202

Phone:(317) 456-4564

Member:Test Test

1417 Chesterfield Ave, Anderson, IN 46012

Industry:Massage Therapy

Member:Tammy Vaughn / Owner

10444 Indiana 66, Newburgh, IN 47630


Phone:(812) 853-9651

47 Ponsonby Ct, Indianapolis, IN 46214

Industry:Nonclassifiable Establishments

Member:Ehssan Dabal / Principal

2910 Windrush Dr, Fort Wayne, IN 46808

Industry:Business Services

Industry:Job Training/Related Services, Nonclassifiable Establishments

Addresses:1058 E State Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN 46805
PO Box 5765, Fort Wayne, IN 46895

7826 Opportunity Dr, Fort Wayne, IN 46825

Industry:Heating & Air Conditioning/hvac, Plumbing & Hvac Contrs

Phone:(260) 485-9999, (260) 485-9990 (Fax)

Member:Marc Grostefon / President

SIC:1711 - Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning

Company size:2


Anderson, IN

Registration:Nov 19, 2004

State ID:78520325

Reg. number:3100215

Status:702 - Section 8 & 15-accepted and acknowledged

Status date:Jun 14, 2012

Illustration:Drawing or design which also includes word(s)/ letter(s)/number(s)

Attorney:Edward E. Sowers

Employee:Jill C Alt

Goods & Services:The color(s) blue and black is/are claimed as a feature of the mark., The mark consists of 7 sky blue triangles focused on a center and one black rhombus extending out from the same center. this...

Owner:Qaisys Innovations, Llc 1008 Avalon Lane, Chesterfield, IN 46017

Correspondent:Patricia A. Hughel Brannon Sowers & Cracraft PC 1 North Pennsylvania Street Suite 800, Indianapolis, IN 46204



Kokomo, IN

Registration:Dec 10, 1990

State ID:74122172

Status:800 - Registered and renewed

Status date:Sep 25, 2001

Illustration:Drawing or design which also includes word(s)/ letter(s)/number(s)

Employee:Charles M Grendel

Goods & Services:Maintenance and repair of industrial products; namely, eyebolts, vacuum valves, tooling and machinery

Owner:Quality And Safety, Inc PO Box 6234, Kokomo, IN 46902

Correspondent:Louis Gene Freeman QUALITY AND SAFETY, INC 1509 Pontiac Drive, Kokomo, IN 46902



Kokomo, IN

Registration:Dec 10, 1990

State ID:74122054

Reg. number:1668242

Status:800 - Registered and renewed

Status date:Aug 28, 2001

Illustration:Drawing with word(s)/letter(s)/number(s) in Stylized form

Attorney:Lewis Gene Freeman-President QUALITY AND SAFETY, INC 1509 Pontiac Drive, Kokomo, IN 46902

Employee:Charles M Grendel

Goods & Services:Industrial products; namely, component parts of dies for use with machine tools; namely, eyebolts and vacuum valves

Owner:Quality And Safety, Inc PO Box 6234, Kokomo, IN 46902

5880 N 170 W, Howe, IN 46746


Industry:Business Consulting Services

Member:Miriam Michaels / Principal, inactive

3958 Amelia Ave, Lafayette, IN 47905


Industry:Electrical Contractor

Member:Chris Cadogan / Principal, inactive

1008 Avalon Ln, Anderson, IN 46017


Industry:Business Services at Non-Commercial Site

PO Box 2475, Anderson, IN 46018


Industry:Nonclassifiable Establishments