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Business Directory of Florida. FM 0509, CORP ...

9825 Marina Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33428

Industry:Nonclassifiable Establishments

Registration:Jan 24, 2013

State ID:P13000007960

Business type:Florida Profit Corporation

Member:Fabiano Messias / President 9825 Marina Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33428 (Physical)

Agent:Eagle Tax Representation Corp 5493 Wiles Road, Pompano Beach, FL 33073 (Physical)


Fort Lauderdale, FL  ·  Miami, FL

Doing business as:FM 3 Liquors, Inc

Registration:Jan 20, 2011

Addresses:17000 Sw 62Nd Ct, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33331 (Physical)
11401 Nw 27Th Avenue, Miami, FL 33167 (Mailing)
11300 Nw 7Th Ave, Miami, FL 33168
11400 Nw 27Th Ave, Miami, FL 33167

State ID:P11000006672

Business type:Florida Profit Corporation

Members (2):Frank A Maria / President 17000 Sw 62Nd Ct, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33331 (Physical) Franklin A. Maria / President

Agent:Frank Maria 17000 Sw 62Nd Ct, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33331 (Physical)




Fort Myers, FL

Registration:Sep 17, 2009

State ID:77828587

Reg. number:3871385

Status:700 - REGISTERED

Status date:Nov 2, 2010


Attorney:Jeanne L. Seewald

Employee:John C Boone

Goods & Services:Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark., The mark consists of a grouping of vertical and horizontal rectangles that create a stylization of the letters "F" and "M." Two horizontal rectangles...

Owner:Finemark Holdings, Inc 12681 Creekside Lane, Fort Myers, FL 33919

Miami, FL


Doing business as:F.M. 15, LTD

Inactive reason:Admin Dissolution For Annual Report

Registration:Jul 14, 1988

Inactive since:Oct 1, 2004

Addresses:175 Fountainblue Blvd. Suite 2-E, Miami, FL 33172 (Physical)
9994 Sw 31 Terr, Miami, FL 33165 (Mailing)

State ID:M89644

Business type:Florida Profit Corporation

Members (5):Eliseo J. Ferrer / Treasurer, Director, inactive 175 Fountainblue Blvd 2E, Miami, FL 33172 (Physical) Jose A. Sendra / Director, Secretary, inactive 175 Fountainblue Blvd 2E, Miami, FL 33172 (Physical) Armando Berriz / President, Director, inactive 9994 Sw 31 Terr, Miami, FL 33165 (Physical) F.m. 15, Ltd / inactive F.m. 15, Corp / inactive

Agent:Berriz, Armando 9994 Sw 31 Terr, Miami, FL 33165 (Physical)


801 Maplewood Dr Ste 14, Jupiter, FL 33458


Doing business as:FM 1093 Farms, Ltd

Registration:Jul 1, 1999

State ID:0154143900

Business type:Domestic For-Profit Corporation

Entity State:TX

Members (3):Jerome Silvers / President, inactive 801 Maplewood Drive Ste 14, Jupiter, FL 33458 Fm 1093 Farms, Ltd / General Partner, inactive Fm 1093 Farms Gp, Inc / General Partner, inactive

Agent:Timothy J Heinrich 4265 San Felipe, Houston, TX 77027 (Physical)


1682 West Hibiscus Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901


Inactive reason:Admin Dissolution For Annual Report

Registration:Jan 13, 2006

Inactive since:Sep 26, 2008

State ID:L06000004463

Business type:Florida Limited Liability Company

Members (3):Arthur Fiii Evans / Managing Member, inactive 1682 West Hibiscus Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901 (Physical) Hugh Mjr. Evans / Managing Member, inactive 1682 West Hibiscus Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901 (Physical) Timothy C Jelus / Managing Member, inactive 1682 West Hibiscus Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901 (Physical)

Agent:Hugh Evans 1682 West Hibiscus Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901 (Physical)


Cape Coral, FL


Doing business as:F.M. 40 LTD

Inactive reason:Voluntary Dissolution

Registration:Feb 4, 2002

Inactive since:Feb 23, 2005

Addresses:1314 E. Cape Coral Parkway Suite #204, Cape Coral, FL 33904 (Physical)
Cape Coral, FL 33910 (Mailing)
PO Box 101335, Cape Coral, FL 33910
PO Box 1335, Cape Coral, FL 33910

State ID:P02000012955

Business type:Florida Profit Corporation

Member:Jose A Sendra / Director, inactive 1314 E. Cape Coral Pkwy, Cape Coral, FL 33904 (Physical)

Agent:Jose Sendra 1314 E. Cape Coral Parkway, Cape Coral, FL 33904 (Physical)


2809 Forest Club Dr, Plant City, FL 33567


Registration:Jul 30, 1987

State ID:0104601200

Entity State:TX

Agent:United Corporate Services Inc 1717 West 6Th St., Austin, TX 78703 (Physical)


Cape Coral, FL


Inactive reason:Voluntary Dissolution

Registration:Jan 17, 1995

Inactive since:Dec 30, 2002

Addresses:1314 E. Cape Coral Pkwy Suite #203, Cape Coral, FL 33904 (Physical)
Cape Coral, FL 33910 (Mailing)
PO Box 1335, Cape Coral, FL 33910

State ID:P95000004353

Business type:Florida Profit Corporation

Member:Jose Sendra / Director, inactive 1314 E. Cape Coral Pkwy, Cape Coral, FL 33904 (Physical)

Agent:Margunda Prescott 1314 E. Cape Coral Pkwy, Cape Coral, FL 33904 (Physical)


216 S Monroe #200, Tallahassee, FL 32301


Inactive reason:Admin Dissolution For Annual Report

Registration:Jun 16, 1989

Inactive since:Nov 9, 1990

State ID:K96026

Business type:Florida Profit Corporation

Members (2):L E Sr Willis 645 Church St #400, Norfolk, VA (Physical) L. E. Willis / Director, inactive

Agent:Rayford Taylor 216 S Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32301 (Physical)


93351 Overseas Hwy, Plantation Key, FL 33070


Registration:Feb 27, 1984

State ID:G86408

Business type:Domestic for Profit Corporation

Members (2):Frank R. Kulisky / President, Director, inactive John T. Galanses / Treasurer, Secretary, Director, inactive

Palm Coast, FL


Inactive reason:Admin Dissolution For Annual Report

Registration:Jan 29, 2002

Inactive since:Sep 16, 2005

Addresses:Palm Coast, FL 32135 (Physical)
PO Box 354764, Palm Coast, FL 32135

State ID:P02000009994

Business type:Florida Profit Corporation

Members (2):Frank Pokorny / President, Treasurer, Director, inactive Post Office Box 354764, Palm Coast, FL 32135 (Physical) Mikhail Kutsyshin / Director, Secretary, Vice President, inactive Post Office Box 354764, Palm Coast, FL 32135 (Physical)

Agent:Spiegel Utrera 1840 Sw 22Nd St., Miami, FL 33145 (Physical)




Hollywood, FL


Registration:Sep 23, 1996

State ID:75171568

Status:602 - Abandoned-failure to respond or late response

Status date:Dec 19, 1997

Illustration:Drawing or design which also includes word(s)/ letter(s)/number(s)

Attorney:Brian D Anderson OBLON SPIVAK MCCLELLAND MAIER & NEUSTADT 1755 Jefferson Davis Hwy Fourth Fl, Arlington, VA 22202

Employee:Jeffrey J Look

Goods & Services:Handbags, Shoes, Fm

Owner:F/Mora Cobbler's Corp 101 N.w. 108 Terrace #202, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026